They Grow More And More


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
My fry will be two months old on Sunday and for a week or so now, the largest ones have been on a diet of Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets. I soak them for a few minutes before hand so they swell and become soft, and the fry seem to have an easier time eating them that way. I’ve never had one die of choking on the pellets, and they are eager to gobble them up, even stealing them from their sibling’s mouths. I’m happy they eat the adult food now; they grow more each day. ^^

With this I’ve come to realize that my fry will let me know when they are ready to be treated like adults and when they are ready to accept different food. I thought they would refuse to eat such things at first and I’d have to force it on them, but I didn’t. They know what they want and when they’re ready, so I think I’ll trust their judgment. ;3

They have one month to go after Sunday before they're ready to be sold or given to new homes.

I am also weaning the ones that need to be separated off of heated 80 degree water, so new owners can keep them at room temperature (until winter comes) without them dying from shock. The ten at room temperature are all doing pretty well.
Great job with the fry. We all expect pictures soon :p
Congrats! It takes a lot of patience to raise fry. How many do you have?
Congratulation to you styx. I hope they all turn out awesome. Do take pictures and show them to us how are your babies. So excited! :wub:
I have 11 in separate containers, and fourteen (I think) larger ones separated from the 50 or so in the 10 gallon. So I have around 60. Still hard to count them.

I did have a bad episode with some unknown fry turning on one and ripping big chunks out of it’s side, and then it got fungus. But it survived! It’s recovering well now. ^^

There will defiantly be photos! Right now it’s hard to take pictures of them because they’re so wiggly! Plus, they still need to get in more of their color, but I have a lot of different colors in this spawn.
Good job with your babies Styx, nice to see you acclimatising them for new homes so they won't be shocked :)

Look forward to seeing pics when they get less wiggly :lol:
I’m doing it as slowly as possible. I separate the largest/most aggressive fish and put them on a heat bad surrounded by their siblings. I leave them there for a day or so then move troublemakers into a separate beanie baby box. After they’ve been by themselves for a day, I move them back, so half of the bottom of their little “tank” is on the heat pad and half is off, thus lowering the temp or their water, but still keeping it somewhat warm. After another day, I move them off it more, so the water gets cooler. After one more day of that, I take them off the heat pad and set them by their siblings that are in room temp water. And ta-da! No more need for heat. I haven’t had a single death or case of illness or depression with this method. It’s working out very well.

Of course, they get their water changed daily as well.

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