They Cant Be Happy Here :(


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2007
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went to a lfs recommended to me and this is what i saw. they didnt look at all happy in these small containers. god knows how long they might be in them.


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at least they look clean, and there not in with things that will rip them to shreads
i suppose that is true. but it mustnt be very good for them to be in such a small space. and who knows how long they have been or will remain in there
I have never seen a pet place that keeps bettas in larger containers than that, sadly. It really isn't that bad since the water is clean :crazy:
I got my Ct from a shop who kept them in contaners about that size, I don't find it too bad, the water is clean, nothing to harm them, and they'll be there max 2 weeks. I just hope their new owners don't put them in something of that size :crazy:
They probably dont stay there very long, and look clean and looked after, better than most places with much smaller cups
They probably dont stay there very long, and look clean and looked after, better than most places with much smaller cups

Mmhmm... aint that the truth.
When the Petsmart here still kept their females and CTs in cups, MAN were they just absolutely filthy. You'd pick up a cup to look at the betta and it would disturb all of the nasty debris on the bottom so the poor betta would end up covered in it.
Now though they keep their bettas in the extra cubbies that the VTs go in to and all of them seem alot happier and healthier... well.. healthier than before (which isn't much)....

Anywho, those cups don't look too small, I've seen smaller unfortunatly and as has been stated, the water looks clean and I'm sure they're not there for very long.
Permenenantly, no, but for selling and maybe for jarring that's actually a good idea.
That's the best part about my lfs in State College, PA. The one woman in aquatics would come into Petco and rearrange all the bettas, staggering them, so the air hole was not covered on any of the containers. What is even better is she then went to the manager and simply asked, "Do you need someone to work aquatics and just clean tanks?" She is always cleaning betta water when I'm there, and that makes it so much easier to see them in those cups.

That and they have such a high rollover rate on their bettas because all of the students in dorms are only allowed a certain tank size.

Then you get people like me who have two tanks in their apartment, one of which is technically beyond what they allow (my 20GH), but management is inept and they don't really care anyway.
That's the best part about my lfs in State College, PA. The one woman in aquatics would come into Petco and rearrange all the bettas, staggering them, so the air hole was not covered on any of the containers. What is even better is she then went to the manager and simply asked, "Do you need someone to work aquatics and just clean tanks?" She is always cleaning betta water when I'm there, and that makes it so much easier to see them in those cups.

That made my day reading that.
You always hear about bad petstores and employees so it's just so nice being able to read about one who really cares about the animals. :good:
At my LFS, the bettas are kept in containers just like the ones the OP posted. They looked very clean. That's where I got Chase from.

At the Petsmart near me, the bettas are kept in cups with lids and blue water. :blink: Does anyone know the purpose of the blue water?

At another LFS (that I don't shop at because they sell puppies), they keep the bettas in those tiny goldfish bowls, with no lids. I wonder how many bettas jump out of those. I also wonder how many people buy a betta and put him in one of those tiny bowls because that's the way they were at the store. :rolleyes: And the poor bettas look miserable there.
At the Petsmart near me, the bettas are kept in cups with lids and blue water. :blink: Does anyone know the purpose of the blue water?

At another LFS (that I don't shop at because they sell puppies), they keep the bettas in those tiny goldfish bowls, with no lids. I wonder how many bettas jump out of those. I also wonder how many people buy a betta and put him in one of those tiny bowls because that's the way they were at the store. :rolleyes: And the poor bettas look miserable there.

I think I read somewhere that the blue water is caused by the conditioner or medicine or something? lol

I'm sure many people buy the bowls :rolleyes:
The pet shop owner by me said it was to keep them from seeing each other... BS... they flare at the time.

I agree with SoCalMom, I think it must be something in the water conditioner that I dunno neutralizes ammonia or something. :rolleyes:
At the Petsmart near me, the bettas are kept in cups with lids and blue water. :blink: Does anyone know the purpose of the blue water?

At another LFS (that I don't shop at because they sell puppies), they keep the bettas in those tiny goldfish bowls, with no lids. I wonder how many bettas jump out of those. I also wonder how many people buy a betta and put him in one of those tiny bowls because that's the way they were at the store. :rolleyes: And the poor bettas look miserable there.

I think I read somewhere that the blue water is caused by the conditioner or medicine or something? lol

I'm sure many people buy the bowls :rolleyes:

That was what I was thinking, too. But it makes it awfully hard to see the Bettas. I probably wouldn't buy one from them, I'd rather go to the first LFS I mentioned because it's easier to see the betta. Although I have seen a few bettas at Petsmart that I wanted. I saw a blue one and a white one.

I know someone who keeps their betta in one of those tiny bowls. :rolleyes: He doesn't have room to swim around.
well im happier now that you guys think its ok:)
i wasnt sure but like youve said yes the water is clean and they arnt being nipped by anything.

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