They Are Here!

neither of the new frogs pictured (me holding them) are full sized - they each have a lot of growing to do and are around 8-10 months of age.

female ACF (x. laevis) get up to 6" in body length (nose to butt, not including legs)
male ACF (x. laevis) usually grow to about 3-4" in body length

this species of Clawed Frog, (the dark female) is a x. borealis...a slightly smaller frog who will get as big as an ACF male, but not the impressive bulk of the laevis female.

x. laevis are the species found in LFS. x. borealis is only currently availble through specialty breeders.

they are definitely full of character!! they all have their own little personalities and quirks... some have grown fond of being handled (gently and in the water) two adult albino females, Kirby and Phoenix are especially partial to having their tummies rubbed! I put my hand in the tank, they will eventually swim up to it, rest in my palm while a finger rubs their belly - - it is beyond cute!!

The little ones are still a bit more shy, but are warming up to me! (especially when I am holding a worm for them!)

They are known to be jumpers - more so upon exploring the surface rather than feeding time. they prefer to eat along the bottom and will "scoop" food into their mouth with their hands
LOL, ah, tummy-rubbing a frog eh? They are really cute, though. Their faces are like little cartoon characters :lol:

The only thing that worries me about them are those claws - reminds me of Edward Scissorhands :hyper:

Seeing all your froggies makes me wish that I had kept that albino and got a separate tank for him...ah well...I don't have the room for any more at the moment so any thoughts on setting up an ACF tank will have to wait.

Until then at least I can keep ADFs, which are also cute and very amusing - just on a miniature scale!

Regards - Athena
their claws are nothing - - so tiny. I don't even feel them when they are in my hands. they are used primarily in skin shedding (kicking the skin up over their heads), rooting around in a mud substrate...etc.

my fiance laughs at me because swear the two albinos have different faces and therefore I can tell them apart - he thinks I am nuts.

you should def in the future try and have a few - - they are amazing!

one you get one, you want a ton! (so plan for at least two!)

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