TheTenthDoctor's Bird (s)

I can't edit my post so adding a bit here.

Budgies will also eat most fruits but won't take citrus. Apples, carrot, peaches, nectarines, watermelon, rock melon (cantelope) are readily taken.

If you have Australian native plants like bottle brush, gum trees or grevilias, you can cut branches from these plants and put them in the cage for the birds to chew on.

Let the birds fly around each day. Close the curtains or have some sort of fabric over the windows to stop the birds flying into the glass.
Oh and dont let them eat chocolate and cookies too.
Sugar free biscuits are fine for parrots as part of a varied diet. They are made from flour, which is ground up seed. Biscuits with dried fruit in can be a good snack people can share with their birds.
I used to keep and breed budgies when I was 12 till the age of 27. But I also bred other kinds of birds during that period.

Feasting on canned peaches and strawberries
They are so picky they only like sweet fruits like pineapple
The green budgie is definitely a boy. He's a got a nice blue cere (area above his nostrils).
They are so darn cute

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