Sorry, lljdma
Your pics are really nice. They look like laser pics. Very Cute! But I like my hastatus better
Oh yeah! and I live the plant combo in the last pic.
So far so good with the hastatus. No deaths yet and they seem to be well. I love how the little guys shoal in nice clouds around the tank. 25 of these guys don't take much room.
About time!!!! It's a sad state in the universe when you are ignored in your own thread. And a moderator at that!

I guess I'm just really low key. The hastatus pictures are really good and now good pictures of all three dwarf cories are in one thread. A good reference for hobbiests.
Thanks, took the pictures with an older digital camera. I think I need a new one, though, pictures aren't as good as they used to be and I always use the same settings for macro shots. You can like your hastatus better, I don't mind. Breed them, and I'll take a few off your hands, they are a cute little fish.
I like the plant combo too, if you knew the size of the tank, you'd be floored. I have to do water changes often, especially with the live and frozen foods. It's got a nice footprint for these little guys and they are not crowded at all. All the fish have grown some, which is good.
These guys will eat shelled peas right? I know my other fish on them, so I'm thinking they do too? I'm feeding so much BBS that I want to put some veggies in there to prevent possible constipation. Nothing's happened, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I feed them spirulina pellets, which they love, but possibly a shelled pea or two wouldn't hurt?
Looking forward to the breeding thread on your hastatus. I hope my dwarf cats perform well for me. I'll be purchasing supplies for the breeder soon.