These angels are extra spendy… are they worthy???

Their nose / mouths do look unique… almost look like the Whimple Piranhas I had 25 years ago, in the face
I think they are the smallest of all the freshwater Angel fish.

They are pretty rare and high-quality specimens are often considered a collector's item in the hobby.

Also seems that they are not easy to breed in captivity. Limited breeding success further contributes to their $$$
No. Also are these Leopoldi which are 'dwarf angelfishes' or dwarf Leopoldi. Worse they are tank raised so you actually have no clue what the breeder has done to their genetics. Personally I think the cost is in the fancy name. ($25 for small ones wc); you can get 6 inch wc rio demerara angelfishes for $75 @ tangleup.

To be honest i dont' care for Dan's marketing or practices. His fishes might be healthy but stuff which I can breed like bunny rabbits (krobia is an example) he sells for an arm and a leg. I realize it is a business and sometime he is the only one with a particularly uncommon fish but I frequently find his descriptions misleading and his prices non-justifiable. Esp when the fish he is selling for $40 I'm giving away for free. The thing i know the most about are sa dwarf cicihld and looking through this his he sells them for nearly 2x for domestic fish and none of them are that special (even for domestic breeds). A fish an aquatiance is sell for $30 and i know to be exceptionally healthy from first hand experience he is selling for $60 and he is importing them to make matter worse (i.e, you don't know what you are getting).

Pterophyllum leopoldi Rio Demini 3” $35.00​

Any fish is worth to any of us exactly what is the most we are willing to pay for it. I did a bit of research into leopoldi. I am not sure if they are on the permitted list from Brazil. However, there are listed for sale in many places which argues for the idea they are legal to export.

Here is an early paper on them and breeding them. They are clearly overpriced unless you have to have them and then the money rarely matters.

I am more a fan of altums which I have. But the one angel I wanted to keep but never did were the Red Shoulder Manacapuru. Dan's Fish sells these for only $79. ;)

Here are pics of a number of angels found in the wild including leopoldi which were originally thought to be dumerilii:

Any fish is worth to any of us exactly what is the most we are willing to pay for it. I did a bit of research into leopoldi. I am not sure if they are on the permitted list from Brazil. However, there are listed for sale in many places which argues for the idea they are legal to export.

Here is an early paper on them and breeding them. They are clearly overpriced unless you have to have them and then the money rarely matters.

I am more a fan of altums which I have. But the one angel I wanted to keep but never did were the Red Shoulder Manacapuru. Dan's Fish sells these for only $79. ;)

Here are pics of a number of angels found in the wild including leopoldi which were originally thought to be dumerilii:
I don't remember fer sure but Dan might be one of those places that automagically raises the price to max if stock is low. Of course if that is the case it is pretty slimey.
Many people who buy from Dan's love him. They accept the prices he charges. While he may take extra time and effort to insure his fish are healthy, I think his primary concern is still maximizing profit.

I have sold some of the same fish as he has listed and my prices and were lower. I also believe my fish were of better quality. But I can only say that based on seeing the picture he posted for his fish.

We all have our opinions on various sellers and the quality of their fish and the prices they charge. Also there is the consideration of ongoing support. But we also need to consider the fact hat if a seller is popular they are often pretty busy. This is especially true when dealing with live animals, especially fish.

Similarly, just as there are crooks in all walks of life and most of us are not, there are both very honest and fair sellers but there are also some who are not.

But the most important things to know about buying fish which will be shipped to you is this:

One live healthy fish is worth at least 3 DOAs. ;)
One live healthy fish is worth at least 3 DOAs. ;)
Well I think i'll stick with wetspot and my list of specialty sellers. 95% of what i buy these days are wc dwarf cichild though given that all my aquariums are full at this point i'm not buy a lot - in fact i only have 3 fishes on my current list and they are all true blackwater fishes. Hum. Pity things are going down the drain (climate wise); as many of these never seen species will probably go down the drain as they say and worse probably almost no one really gives a hoot.
I get notifications of new fish from Dan’s, and am not in the market for a new angel… but any idea what makes these extra expensive???

If they're wild caught, I could defintely understand the price but these are European captive bred ones. Or the shipping and other relevant costs has been calculated into this price. That could be the reason of a high price...

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