There Spawning

Ive taken some out but ill leave the rest in the tank and see if they are still there in the morning and if there fertile. They are still laying so hopefully some will survive.
Hmm, very much doubt it. Judging by the stocking (presuming it's the 21g) I wouldn't expect to see any eggs left in the morning if you don't save them now.
Hmm, very much doubt it. Judging by the stocking (presuming it's the 21g) I wouldn't expect to see any eggs left in the morning if you don't save them now.
Thats not the stocking any more i need to change it. The hatchets, killis and panda corys have been moved so theres just
pair of apisto
6 tetra
6 pygmy corys
5 pepper corys
The eggs normally take about 3-4 days to hatch.

Alessa x.
Hi kizno1,

Did they get soft and fuzzy? Perhaps they were damaged when they were being moved.
Hi kizno1,

Did they get soft and fuzzy? Perhaps they were damaged when they were being moved.
Not really they just didnt develop or hatch. I think it probably was they where damages moving them. Ill be a little more careful next time.
That's pretty warm. I'm surprised they spawned but it shouldn't have hurt the eggs. I was thinking you might have air conditioning and had the water cold. That could have made them hatch more slowly.
Ive had a fan on the tank and window at either end of my room open but it never droped bellow 30C. They spawned when the tank was up at about 33C i was worried about it being to hot and them dieing let alone spawning.
They have been up and down the glass all day but i thought nothing of it but they have just started laying eggs :hyper:
What should i do with the eggs? i still dont know why they didnt hatch last time so does anyone have any tips?
If you can remove them carefully and put them in a clean tub with some tank water,pop in an airstone so it circulates the water.
Float or clip tub to top of your tank,i find clothes pegs good for this or even a double magnet,like the glass cleaning ones,i've used these putting one inside the tub and other on the outside of the glass,works a treat :good:

Or like i done with the tri's eggs when i was tight for space,used a fine catching net,again fix to the top of my fry tank,put the eggs in this then put the airstone underneath.having an adjuster on the airline is a god send,has i can turn it down to stop the net lifting.
I've used both these methods has well has leaving the eggs in situ after the albinos spawned,removed the albinos and let the eggs hatch with an airstone underneath flowing gently over the eggs. It works for me :)
With all these methods i've had 99.9% hatch rate and with no fungus.

Good luck with yours,i hope they hatch this time :good:
Well the male apisto has eaten all the once this time he didnt last time but atleast they are still laying so i might be able to save a few

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