There Spawning


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
My pepper corys are spawning right now. They have laid about 100 eggs and the female still looks fat I know you need to remover the eggs with a raiser but how should i stick them back onto the sides of the breeding trap?
What i do to get mine to hatch is but them in my smallest net which has minute holes that the babies can't get through, then i put it in the flow of the filter so they get freshwater on them. If your using a plastic livebearers trap i might just warn you that the babies can get through the sides.

Alessa x.
I meant just drop them into the trap. You dont have to stick them to the sides of it, if you tried you might crush them.
Im going to use a mesh one. I have bn fry in the only plastic one i have. This is getting silly now i have loads of bn fry ranging from 1 week to 3 months about 75 apple snails eggs hatched today and now my corys are laying eggs ahhh :hyper:

I meant just drop them into the trap. You dont have to stick them to the sides of it, if you tried you might crush them.
oo i get you now. Do you think i should try moving them now or wait till there finished.
You must be putting fertility drugs for fish in your water when your not paying attention!

Alessa x.
Wait till they're finished but be ready and waiting for when that happens cause I hear they're very fast to start munching them.
You must be putting fertility drugs for fish in your water when your not paying attention!

Alessa x.
Haha that or i just have some really frisky fish

Wait till they're finished but be ready and waiting for when that happens cause I hear they're very fast to start munching them.
Ok ill keep a eye out. There every where and the female is still massive. She is the biggest cory i have ever seen shes about 2.5" long and easily 1" wide evan after laying the eggs.
I don't know if you'd disturb them if you started removing now tbh... but yah know. I vaguely remember harlequins saying that once they started they didnt really care if you went poking around but I cant quite remember.
I don't know if you'd disturb them if you started removing now tbh... but yah know. I vaguely remember harlequins saying that once they started they didnt really care if you went poking around but I cant quite remember.
While there still laying quite a few i think ill leave them in peace for a bit.
Most of them are a milky colour. Will they turn orange over time? i tried to scrape them off but messed up quite a few and just ended up slicing them :[ i but i did get quite a few when i was using a air line to syphon them out worked quite well.
They have literally just been laid so I wouldn't expect them to be the fertile colour yet if they are. If it were me I'd leave them overnight then get up a bit earlier in the morning (if you have work etc to go to) and then check on the eggs to see if they've changed colour.

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