There is no hope for my dog

seeing as how you are not the "responsible person" here (not saying youre not a responsible person, just recognizing that you don't seem to have much say in the matter now) i know you must be frustrated. apparently you don't have the luxary of multiple shelters or rescue groups in your area. its a shame, because some would take on a special case dog. it also sounds liek you don't have access to any animal behaviorists. have you looked real hard?? i never knew how many were around here until one day i just happend to stumble across some online. i'm sure you have, but since youre stressed out right now, just checking.

as said, your dogs sudden behavior change could have something to do with the incidents, it could indicate underlying medical conditions, and from the sounds of it, there may be some other things going on that you yourself were not even aware of (ie. father beating the dog). it could be a culmination of these. i understand that you couldnt in good conscience just give the dog to a new home. i've seen dogs like yours come through our rescue system. we had the luxury of a "doggie bootcamp" to send them to to help work out these issues. but some were so unpredictable that adopting them out would have been a liability and could have potential caused harm and we were forced to euthanize these few dogs. the only options you have is to either find somewhere she can go for some training and rehab (like a "doggie bootcamp, a professional dog behavorist), see a vet to look for unlying health problems and possibly perscribe some meds (i've seen this work great too) or put her to sleep(pointy, you know that euthanasia is the last option i would ever suggest.....). From the sounds of it, youre dad most likely won't be willing to look into the first two options, and i know you wouldn't be able to afford to do it yourself, but give it a shot, sit your dad down and talk to him.

as for the "too big for your yard" issue, dont' beat yourself up. many shelters are pretty clueless about the dogs they bring in. they don't have the time or the funds to really properly house, care for, or get to know the dogs. smaller groups do, but the big city/county shelters often don't. and often, they're about getting the dogs through the system, in any way, to make room for the 100 more coming in that week. often i've seen dogs listed as medium, but you take one look at their feet and you knwo theyre going to be huge. they adopt out cute little puppies without bothering to make sure the owners know that puppy is going to grow big, and fast. we have had many young dogs (10 months and younger) come into our rescue group system that were returned to the pound because they got too big (though i love the people who buy puppies from breeders or pet shops and then complain they got too big.......... duh). pardon my rant there.

i hope it all works out for the best pointy, i really do.
thank you for being so supportive
i'm a wreck right now
i just really hope for the "rainbow after the rainstorm"
in other words, so many bad things are happening right now
i'm just waiting and waiting for the bad to turn to good
i really don't want to end her life
she is so beautiful and so compassionate
she has protected me from harm many times before and not backed down
she is so dedicated and loving and our bond is so strong
my poor mother is a wreck aswell
she is so attatched to that dog
but my father is old fashoned and he is in charge so my mom really has little say
more then once i have came downstairs to see my mom sitting with the dog crying and stroking her
i will continue to search for a home for my dog
i really hope that i can find her one
i'm just so distraught
and your absolutley right,
my father would not go for an animal behaviorist or anti-depressents
he does love the dog
but he is incapable of seeing her as family rather then a possesion
he cuts his losses the same as if he were to lose a car
its just the way he was raised (more family issues and lets just say i refuse to call his father "grandpa", in fact i do not talk to him and refer to him by his first name. he's an abusive b@stard)
Awwww, PK, I'm sorry :( I don't know what else to tell you. I know you're trying your hardest to find some help for you dear doggie. Have you talked to a vet? At any rate, I'm very sorry and I hope things look up for you and your beloved puppy. Hugs, if you want 'em. Hang in there. We're here for ya.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
The Situation you are in Is Heartbreaking.
Its a Terrible Burden to have to shoulder.

Don't let Go Kitty.
I'm so sorry for you. You've been through such a rough time, especially losing Yoshi, and now your dog as well.

Obviously being out in the fire has sent her beserk, and I really feel for you.

If your dad is that bad with your dog (I'm not trying to judge him in any way) and he has issues, perhaps she would be better off somewhere else, especially if there aren't anywhere around who can help her.

Be strong, we all know how much you love your animals, and I'm sure Sammy knows as well.
I know you've said your dog is not good around strangers, but perhaps you could find one person who would at least be willing and able to house her for a time while you continue looking for a home for her. This would give you more time and maybe give her a chance to be away from your dad and the chaos around your house. She might warm up to another woman, she might not, but at least you would have a little more time to figure out what to do with her. Have you tried placing an ad in the paper? I'm sure there is at least one person who would be willing to see if they could help her if you put an ad in saying she needs a good home but needs work. That's how my mom got me a dog (of course, the dog likes my mom more, so I really don't have a dog) she was living in a trailer park and all the kids in there were throwing rocks at her and trying to hit her with sticks. She took a little work, but she has been and is a great dog. Don't give up hope, and if you have to go around your dad on this, then so be it, I'm sorry, but any chance you can give for your dog to have a home is a chance you need to take. If none of this works, I can't see any otther solution other than a shelter or being put to sleep.... :/
(((((((hugs)))))))) I sympathise with you. This must be absolutely heartbreaking.

Here are a couple of options that will hopefully help you out.

You could try phoning your vet's office. Speak to the secretary. They are usually good sources of information on rescue organizations or even individuals who are rescuers. Vets offices often wind up working closely with these types of people, so if any exist in the area, they would know about them.

You can also try this link. There's a list of canadian rescue organizations. Hopefully one can help you.

rescue organizations

I'd get her to a vet first to see if theres anythin they can do to calm her down short term to help her relax.
Then I'd get her into a training school or something to get her trained better and more responsive. They will also help you curve any bad behaviours that she may have. A lot of them are very simple and so is the cure. It just often needs someone in the know to point them out.

Its worth a try ;)

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