Then And Now

Your 125 and 180 tanks are amazing! I'm currently upgrading my 60l to a Rio 300 with white sand, how do you grow the moss and the live plants like that? Any advice? I'd love do to that in my tank!
Thanks Jason. Yes, the biggest ones (125l plus) are the best at the moment, still have to tweak the little tanks.

So, for the Rio 180 I used cat litter. It's Tesco's low dust cat litter, comes in a pink packet. I don't do anything else, no fertilizers nothing. The cat litter is really helping the plants' growth as all the nutrients are kept inside it. Plus the Rio tanks obviously have good T5 lighting which also helps. I'm had some diatoms, but they are going now as I have reduced the light to six hours a day. If you click on my Rio journal link in my signature, you'll see how it all started.

The moss in the Rio 125 is being grown in a small plastic tank on my kitchen window. I just got it out for the picture. I got a few mesh with moss on from ebay and just letting it grow now. It is taking ages, but it will eventually (hopefully) cover the whole bottom around the rocks. I can see the growth, but it just takes a very long time.

The Fluval 125 is fairly new, so can't really comment on plant growth yet as they are just bought. But so far they are doing well. It's in direct sunlight during the day and I know I will have to add a small plec or so at some point to keep the algae on glass at bay.

Hope that helps. Let me know how you get on with your Rio 300.
Thanks Jason. Yes, the biggest ones (125l plus) are the best at the moment, still have to tweak the little tanks.

So, for the Rio 180 I used cat litter. It's Tesco's low dust cat litter, comes in a pink packet. I don't do anything else, no fertilizers nothing. The cat litter is really helping the plants' growth as all the nutrients are kept inside it. Plus the Rio tanks obviously have good T5 lighting which also helps. I'm had some diatoms, but they are going now as I have reduced the light to six hours a day. If you click on my Rio journal link in my signature, you'll see how it all started.

The moss in the Rio 125 is being grown in a small plastic tank on my kitchen window. I just got it out for the picture. I got a few mesh with moss on from ebay and just letting it grow now. It is taking ages, but it will eventually (hopefully) cover the whole bottom around the rocks. I can see the growth, but it just takes a very long time.

The Fluval 125 is fairly new, so can't really comment on plant growth yet as they are just bought. But so far they are doing well. It's in direct sunlight during the day and I know I will have to add a small plec or so at some point to keep the algae on glass at bay.

Hope that helps. Let me know how you get on with your Rio 300.

Great thanks for the info, i'll have a look at the journal, I'll let you know if I've got any questions :) thx!
My newest addition, which set up only because I have fallen in love with that piece of wood and because I had the Fluval 125 sitting upstairs empty in the spare room. See how addicted I am? I got that tank because it was cheap and it could come handy one day :rolleyes: At the moment there are only cories, but after my holiday, I am going to get a pair of Sajicas as my centrepiece fish. Oh no, just realized that the rock in the middle is still there. It will go, was just trying out something. The sajicas will get something like a terracotta pot or so for breeding.

To be honoust is this my favourite setup. Looks really amazing.
Thanks. It's funny how one piece of wood can make you set up another tank, but I love it so much. Can't wait to have my Sajicas in it, it still looks very empty at the moment.
I thought my addiction had got bad after a couple of years, let alone just after 1 year! Brilliant.

Real nice we collection of tanks you have there :good:
Haha I chuckled when I saw your first tank, still cute though. You improved a lot I gotta say. Diggn the Rio 125 btw:)
I couldn't stop laughing after seeing the first tank you started out with :crazy: :lol: and the progress after.Great job!!!
There have been so many changes again in this last month. Dwarf puffers are in a bigger tank now, stocking has changed around, plants have grown, new hardscape has been added and babies have been born. And my son has his crazy kids tank back filled with silly ornaments :rofl: Will update sometime soon when I get a chance to take decent pictures of them all.

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