The Wonders of the Water Change.

spiky balls a hard plastic like material. Dozens & dozens on top of other filtration components. Before installing sump pump had to place sturdy cover over those weird balls. My little pug/French Bulldog was going crazy trying to grab a few. Kept them moist while waiting to repair broken pipe connector on tank.
Erm.......I hope you do not mean that the Pug kept them moist....that would definitely be a bad idea
One of the delinquent BN's that I have is a bit light finned at water change time.....frequently used to knock the thermometer off the glass and headbutt it away. Put an end to that little game by having external thermometers instead...

At least your Pug tried to behave...evem if bribery was required ;)
Then you're doing yourself and your beneficial bacteria a disservice...
The BB adheres to and grows on surfaces and this is where it's to be found. The more surfaces you have, the more places for your BB to grow.
Those bits from your filter have been designed to pack as much surface area into the space provided as possible.
Even filter media, as seen under a microscope, is a mass of surface.

All of which takes me back to my original point that the water can be discarded, because whilst it does hold some bacteria, the majority is on the surfaces.

Edit: For literacy
How did I do the BB wrong? Kept filtration system & substrate as is. Added fresh water only to keep spiky balls moist. Transferred 50% of original tank water to tank in my home.
That's MRS CaptainBarnicles from Lincolnshire to you Brucey-boy! Nowt wrong with us carrot crunchers! 🧐 and you stand to talk from Cumbria 🤣
Here was I thinking nowt was a Lancashire word, and now there's a woman from Lincolnshire using it ????

PS I was born and bred in St Helens
That's MRS CaptainBarnicles from Lincolnshire to you Brucey-boy! Nowt wrong with us carrot crunchers! 🧐 and you stand to talk from Cumbria 🤣
Like you was the accent! :p

From Preston originally, then a spell in Manchester, then Dahn Sarf in East Grinstead, before West Yorkshire and (finally) Cumbria...where I'm having to learn a whole new lingo.
As I said, a Lancashire word ;)

I know what you mean, Bruce, when we moved here from Lancashire I couldn't understand a word the Geordies said.
Never heard that word. Saw this online

Is nowt a real word?

The word nowt is a Northern English dialect term meaning nothing, none and no one. This local dialect word is in common usage among the people of Northern England, predominantly Yorkshire, Lancashire and Greater Manchester. The word nowt appears in the fifth line. ...
The word 'nothing' is too difficult.
...And @Essjay 's a Woollyback, learning the Geordie Whalesong!

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