The Wolfs holiday snaps


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Hi all
Juist back from Turkey, I had a great time,
but we won't go into that :p
here for your viewing pleasure are some of the pics I took.
Click on thumbnail for larger image.

ok here goes
the view from my hotel room

the hotel pool, notice the bar at the end :thumbs:

behind the hotel, left side

behind the hotel, right side

the beach walk (approx 3Km to peninsular)

beach walk, late afternoon


peninsular, late afternoon

emerald river

a trout farm along the emerald river

entrance to ancient city of Sidé

grand walk @Sidé

main road @Sidé

temple to Appollo @Sidé

Managvat mosque (second largest in Turkey)

outside James Dean Bar (my favourite bar)

and what's inside, not the best tank I've seen but at least it is not overstocked( 3 discus) and the water is crystal clear.

I hope you liked viewing them
any questions or comments are welcomed
Thanks for your time.
Wyld-Fyre said:
Looks deserted. Where's everyone else? ;)
I won't publish any pictures of people I've taken,
due to them not giving thier permisson to do so.
I can assure you there were lots of people there
and the women are stuning :drool: :hey: :thumbs:
Fantastic pics,Wolf. It looks amazingly gorgeous there :wub: What were you doing there by the way? Pleasure or a specific mission? You may have mentioned it but I forgot.
wuvmybetta said:
Fantastic pics,Wolf. It looks amazingly gorgeous there :wub: What were you doing there by the way? Pleasure or a specific mission? You may have mentioned it but I forgot.
Thanks wuv.
It was a holiday but I did want to go to that area specifically
for the temple to Appollo.
MAM said:
I'm just in awe of that mosque. Such a beautiful building.

Any more pics Wolf?
none that don't have people in them
or that are suitable for a family forum :p :rofl:
which mountain range is it with the white caps in one of your pics?
That is the Taurus mountain range
the largest peak being Aladağ (3,734mtrs)
Awwwwww I miss Turkey sooooo much.


*Makes a resolution to go back there SOON*
The-Wolf said:
That is the Taurus mountain range
the largest peak being Aladağ (3,734mtrs)
whats that in feet about 18,000 ft or something. What country do they border besides turkey.

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