You know what...........the tank was a gift from my sister to my son on his second birthday so back off on the dang tank thing. I got the smallest fish that "supposidly" didn't need too much fuss (okay, know I just pissed off all the AVID fish LOVERS - not freaks

) but it is true according to the guy at the fabulous

WALMART! Goldfish are lots of the time kept in bowls. Let's say a 1 gallon bowl, with nothing. Now, some of you were too ignorant and pompous to realize that when I was stating his tank accessories like the bad filter (at least he has one!!) I was too ranting about the fact that it was so crappy, but it came with the tank. At that point in my life, owning a 55 gallon was only a dream so a gift of this somewhat "large" goldfish bowl was nice. All I had to do was buy the fish. Secondly.......I'm not the only one on this forum Cat Fish, that has a 5 gallon or less. But mine only has one gold fish in it and that is a whole lot better than 2 or 3. I am trying to keep him as healthy as I can. Oh and CM.....were you just hunting for a way to make me look dumb, because all those quotes were a little cheap if you ask me. For one,.....ya I said that he is healthy, because he is and always has been and YES I did say he had a piece of cr@p filter, but I didn't say it doesn't work DID I!!! It's the same stupid filters a quarter of the people on here have so THERE!
I understand you care DEEPLY for your fish (Edited because I didn't mean to insult you, although I do think most of the fish you keep are ugly

), and I care for all of mine as well. By the way, I would never keep my dog in a 6 x 6 pen....he has a nice yard he lives in. My 55 gallon is a very special home for the fish that habitate it, and I was also planning on keeping my goldfish in it, and for you to quote me to make me look stupid.....which is what you were doing CM........about my fish swimming back and forth. Well, all I can say is that you know darn well that isn't why I wouldn't leave him in the 55 gallon and you just wanted to make me look stupid regardless of what you come back and say. So that wasn't nice of you at all

Why didn't you post the how he was chewing the HECK out of the other fish. He was just plain mean and sorry that most of us here aren't fish geniuses like you.
Another do you guys know that I haven't been planning on buying a 10 gallon tank. It's as if I am the devil and I'm sitting here laughing at my gulping goldfish all day praying that he croaks or something. I do plan on it someday, and along with a 10 gallon CAT FISH...I would need a GOOD filter right CM. Now heaven forbid to go and get a piece of CRUD filter right CM. SO therefore I would have to buy a nice one and sorry but they aren't just 10 bucks here Cat Fish!!! Also....the hood so my cats don't eat it and a heater and I'd need gravel right and someone said plants TOO!!! So you do the math guys and then come back and tell me for under $10 I'd be set and I'm a monster for not getting it.
Thanks Impur.......I'll be driving through Eugene next week and maybe I'll take you up on that. Since my poor little Goldfish lives such a horrible inprisoned life I think it would be a whole lot better if I let your big fish just gulp him down. Saves me time and money anyway RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!