The Use Of Test Kits


Marine Enthusiast!
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Kidderminster, Worcs
Hi Salties :good:

Im wondering how you guys have(or seem to have) so much faith in test kits, e.g. API

My past experience with these(api liquid) is pretty poor as i found them to be inaccurate and have varying results.

do you just see it as, better than nothing? or what?

to me, it seems theres no point in using them, through what ive learnt through keeping my freshies, i can now usually tell whats up, and take adequete action.

just wondering thats all

I have used the api test kits in the past and like you. I also found the results to be pretty poor :crazy:

so after some advice from the peeps on this site i changed over to salifert tests for everything except phosphates. I use D&D high sensitivity for this as it can get down to lower reading than any of the other kits i have come across, but it is expensive at £44 and the saliferts range from £10 to £20 a kit but it’s just like anything else i guess you only get what you pay for :lol:
I'm with both of you regarding the API kits, I bought 3 master test kits, and took them to school where we have electronic testing equipment. I have done this twice now to back up my results.

I tested the kits on a cycling tank a few months ago and the electronic equipment read:

Ammonia: 2.35ppm
nitrite: 6.35ppm
Nitrate: 18.85ppm

The API kits read:

Master 1:

Ammonia: 4ppm
Nitrite: off the scale
Nitrate 80ppm

Master 2:

Ammonia: 1ppm
Nitrite: 0.25ppm (you can tell this one is out already!)
Nitrate: 20 ppm

Master 3:

Ammonia: 4ppm
Nitrite 0.5ppm
nitrate 160ppm

All we're from different batches and from those results you can instantly see how inconsistent they are!

Never using a chemical test kit again, I'll test my water at school.
Most of us on here don't recommend the API, we say Salifert and the D & D for phosphate if you have a bit of dosh stashed away somewhere :lol:

Seffie x
I have tested elecetronically as well. Also with against standards. Agree that Salifert is probably the best line tho' the most expensive and frequently difficult to read. Honestly tho', consistency is what really counts, i.e., if you start with one kit, stay with it. I have been using API for 5 years. I have five year old corals, a 5 year old clown, 3 year old urchin, etc. Consistency, I've found, is what really matters. SH
i quite like TMC tests, i find that they can be easier to read. They also do a master test kit, which allows you to save a bit of money aswel as bundeled ones - mag and cal together.

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