Fish Fanatic
Well, life got real tough with my Dad's surgery, follow up visits and all the extra caregiving I'm doing for him, so my poor koi got partly put on the back burner, so to speak! Didn't get the filters changed in time and lost Fuyu, the platinum Doitsu to bad water conditions--nothing else seemed to be wrong with him, as far as I could tell. Changed filters, reconditioned water with partial water change, and things seem to be more on track. Do have a damaged koi, though, since Mieko the gin-rin Sanke decided to do a 100 yard dash in the 85 gallon tank and must have knocked the top portion of his tail off! Quarantined him, added Meta Flex and salt for 2 days. Swimming okay, and not acting poorly, so he's now back in the big tank with the other smaller babies. Don't know how much of the tail will come back though. Did partial water change in outside 100 gallon tank, and fed those kids some extra yummy shrimp. Great fun to watch them try to pick out the shrimp from the rest of the food! Cho-Cho is almost too big for the LARGE blue net!!! Gosh, they've grown. Also Cho-Cho seems to be adding some reddish orange to her/his tail, fins, and getting same color spots on top of head. Tanaka, the Hi-Utsuri? has darkened even more, the black and red much more pronounced. Keitaro, the Sanke, has deepened colors as well. Sure hope that despite all the delays we can get the new pond built this summer. Here's what I want, just add a waterfall and baychamber filter on the side: