"The Tilt"


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2005
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My friend said that when mollies or guppies are about to have babies (as in two days or less) they start swimming very slightly sideways, or in a somewhat "tilted" fashion. Is this true?
I have heard this before, somewhat. I don't think it is always true, but my guess is because the babies get big and push on their swimbladder? I don't know, as I have never bred livebearers, but I have heard it too.
OrkyBetta said:
but my guess is because the babies get big and push on their swimbladder?
Sounds like a possibility.

Can't say I've noticed but I have a guppy who is due to give birth next week so I shall keep an eye out!! ;)
i noticed this same thing with my red sword tails.... the female did this 1 day before that i noticed... so i think so... not that its really a term, but more of a behavior brought on from the fry wanting to get out :)
When my guppy was just about to give birth she dragged herself along the bottom in a slightly lopsided and hunched up manner. If I'd been a bit quicker on the uptake, I could have saved the fry, as it was auntie had a nice snack.
I'm sorry about your fry. :-(

I have been watching her... and every time she starts to crap I keep thinking it's babies and get al jumpy. :*) But then it turns out to be crap... and my hopes fall. Oh well. I'm just sooooo excited. (Even still!)

Have your freaking babies, Pearl! (I renamed her. She's too evil to be called Heaven. :D )
I tried mollies and the one i did get was pregnent. She had them and then something to the water (ammonia sky rocketed) and the babies didn't make it. I would like to do a molly or guppie tank again...
Lol, well you may have some fry on the way then.

*keeps watching and is starting to go insane* Have. Your. BABIES YOU STUPID MOLLY!

I am just so anxious. :whistle:
Mollies can take a LONG time to have fry. I've had a few that go to 6 weeks. And they tend to take a bit longer if they are having big batches of fry...so you might have lots of babies. Just relax...she'll give birth when she's ready. And might I add, she'll pick the most inconvienent time possible for you... :whistle:
NOOO! I'm struggling so hard to be patient, and the lady at the store said it would be about a week when she caught her and first told me Pearl was pregnant. And it's been... nearly a week. Awww! *whines some more*
Well...you can't always trust people at the fish store. That's something you learn, being on here and getting more and more fish knowledge. They don't always know a lot.

Anyhoo, just make her life as stress-free as possible, make sure the water is great, and make sure there is nothing following her, or harassing her, and you should have babies! :)
The lady was extremely knowledgeable. I stalked her as she talked to some real newbies. I got the water tested lst weekend. It's great... and no one is chasing her. Rather- she's chasing everyone else.

She seems to be breathing a bit heavy. A sign?

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