The Ten Most Common Nano Reefing Mistakes

I think when I start, this will be my home; this place has such great people with knowledge its brilliant ;) Its really inspired me to do everything properly.
You have already covered the main points. My nano set up went queit smoothly but I had spent months before hand researching and I asked a TON of questions on here too. few more "rules" I would add are:

1) Take your time. Its always tempting to try and rush things and stock to quickly or impulse buy livestock but it normally ends in disaster. Before setting up the tank make sure you have a clear idea of what you want out of it. Then research all the equipment you need, ask lots of questions and double check everything. Its better to take a bit of time before buying anything then rushing to get it all set up and finding out you have the wrong things.

2) Never buy any livestock without knowing about its needs first. It is very easy when you see a pretty coral in the shop to buy it (especially if like me your LFS rarely has good corals in) but there is nothing worse then getting it home to find that it either has zero chance of surviving or that it will be incompatible with your other livestock.

3) Dont worry if it doesnt all make sense to begin with. As I said above I researched setting up a marine tank for months before I got one but it wasnt until I had it running that everything started clicking into place.

4) Ask yourself do you really want a nano tank. They are not neccersarily cheaper, they are harder to maintain, you have less options for stocking and most likely you will want to get a bigger tank in a few months anyway.
Forget the points, good to see you back amongst the living SH, missed ya :)

Ok, good words of wisdom too :D
Yeah, Rare Oceans were moving premises, but I believe some other aspects of life have intervened, and this plan may now be on hold for the forseeable future. They closed the old shop, then seemed to spend an age getting going on the new one, and I guess it could be a good long while yet. Can you not just ask some other LFS to order in any other fish you like? Surely they all just use TMC?

On topic:
Biggest mistake I made with my tank was complacency. It was going really well, so I figure it can handle a week without a water change, or I change my Rowaphos a week later, bang, tank wasted. If you hit a good rhythm, and the tank thrives, there may be a correlation, so for the love of God, keep it up. Learnt that one the hard way, and it has driven me off keeping a tank for the time being.
biggest mistake:

going out of town for a week and leaving the tank with the girlfriend :S
For all you newbies to the salty side :good: and the not so new - please add your 'errors' :crazy:

Seffie x
Nice one Seffie, I reckon there could be a million things on a list like that :crazy:

I think one of the biggest mistakes is: not having a fat enough wallet :lol:
if you buy a second hand setup, always use new sand ( with maybe a little of the old stuff)
i made the mistake of using the old sand and spent months fighting nitrates
I am so guilty of the leaving the fishtank with a girlfriend... who gave everyone a $#*(*()#$*(#() tan!!!!
ALWAYS have a tank lid! :hyper: And even if you have one, make sure it's tight, or a least your fish's head is too fat to squeeze through the gap.

I was a smart #16#####... and failed...

23L Fluval edge and all running smoothely... even blue sponge was epic!...

READ the lables on supplements! Dont add supplements unless you need them!!

I was given "essential elements Nano Reef A + B" plus calcium as i had hard corals (modded lights btw)...

I didnt check nor notice that the Essential Elements had calcium in it..

So every 5-7 days did water change and added tiny bit of each...

I think I must be the only person in the world to kill hard corals with calcium LOL

I wiped out all my corals bar very few... when i finally got calium test kit, it got to 1600 before i stopped counting and broke tank down and started again... (should be 450 ish)..

Moral of the story...

Dont dose without testing that you need it!

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