The Road to Recovery


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
These are the little female Bettas that I rescued from Wal-Mart a little while back. These little girls are fighters. They survived a tank full of vicious Barbs and are now here to show off how beautiful they can be. :wub:

Pics of when I first got them. They were washed out, super stressed, and shredded. :-(



Whoa that's amazing. They look like completely different fish. :thumbs:
:hyper: They're gorgeous! Their colors are more intense and their fins are completely healed under your care! :nod:

My male betta, Crimson, has a little finrot on his fins . . . but he's recovering. :)
Aww thanks everyone! :wub: These little girls need all the love they can get. :wub: :nod:

Sasha - I hope Crimson feels better soon. :wub: :nod:

guppygirl - Thanks...that means a lot. :wub: They are just the sweetest little girls...very tame and incredibly friendly. :wub:
Wow, the 3rd girl especially looked dreadful. :sad: I can't believe what a recovery they've all made- good work! :clap: :clap:

Prove that a little :wub: and good care can go a long ways. ;)
OMG-- I cannot believe lil' red there was a wal-mart betta-- she's gorgeous. :blink: :hyper: :wub:

Tough lil' girls :flex:

Tough bettas are so cool-- I have a short-fin plakat I bought a couple months back. He's in a tank with serpae tetras, but they don't even dare nip at him. He gives them the "I'm a bad ass" flare, and they run and hide under the bog wood. :lol:

Ah well, he's going to become my little sister's class met, so he'll have it a lot more peaceful. I'm going to make sure they're setting up a nice two gal with floating plants for him . . . under my supervision of course. :sly:

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