The Return of the Fish Food


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2003
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in front of the computer
I was on this forum a couple weeks ago and somebody recommended feeding my corys and algae eater cucumbers. Should I boil them first? Should I remove the skin? Also, I started feeding frozen brine shrimp about a month ago. I went on vacation for a week, and when I got back, my panda cory was a pinkish color! :huh: I know that flamingoes and some other animals gain their coloring from the food they eat. Does brine shrimp do that? He only gets a little of it every day as he eats the stuff that falls to the bottom.

ps: He's kinda cute pink :wub:
do not know about the cories, but that is true of flamingoes. also polar bears will get a green cast to their fur from the algae in the water. the hair is hollow and the algae builds up in it. you might want to ask that question in the catfish section.

the only thing you may want to do with cucumbers is cut the slice about an eighth of an inch or less. i soak mine in tank water to soften it up some and then weight it down with a plant weight. you can make a slit through the edge of the cucumber and slip the weight through to make it sink to the bottom.

i do shell my peas when i give them. the shells tend to clog the filters and the fish do not seem to eat them anyways.

semper fi
I've heard some people use blanched zuchini...havent tried it myself yet.
First of all, what is Blanching? And how do you do it?

I have a tank with 4 tiger barbs, and 2 rosy barbs. I read that tiger barbs like blanched cucumbers too.

I need to know what blanching is, and will the Rosies like the cucumber too?

- Kip
blanching means to put something in boiling water for a minute or so until it softens up.
lets see if they notice hehehe
Jamnog said:
blanching is the american for flash fry i belive it means to literally fry them for a couple of seconds in very hot oil.
WRONG!! it means to put something in boiling water for a minute or so until it softens up. Also I tried cucumber but my fish didn't like it. I tried zucchini and they loved it. I don't know why, though. It seems like they would not be able to tell the difference... :huh:

:band: :music:
totalbolshevik said:
It seems like they would not be able to tell the difference... :huh:
If we can tell the difference between zuchini and cucumber, they surely can. Their sense of smell is much more acute than ours in order to detect food sources in the water. I'm sure their sense of taste is at least as strong as ours.
I stick my veg in the microwave for 15 seconds, seems to work well, they eat a 1/2" slice of c/cumber in a day.
I cut up a zuchini and keep it in the freezer, the freezing has the same effect as blanching as it breaks down the structure of the zuchini and makes it fish edible. Also you never have to worry about fresh veggies all the time. Also the zuchini is from my veggie patch so the fishies are only getting the freshest veggies! :)

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