The re-scape journal (found a great deal on river rocks!!!)

We got a free cat :) The previous owners decided it wasn't fair on the cat to keep him so they gave him away. (Wife wanted a dog, husband who liked cats worked away from home 2 months in every 3; then they got a dog; then they had a baby. The cat was ignored and depressed. He's not now )
Some cats can be thousands of dollars though if you are purchasing one... ITS INSANE!
Yeah, my mom and her sister used to raise hypoallergenic Siberians. My aunt does it on her own now and sells them for over $2,000 each. You would never believe how much work it is though. It's not just "Oh this is going to make me rich". It's so much work to do it well and produce socialized kittens from the top show bloodlines and such, like she does.

Yeah, my mom and her sister used to raise hypoallergenic Siberians. My aunt does it on her own now and sells them for over $2,000 each. You would never believe how much work it is though. It's not just "Oh this is going to make me rich". It's so much work to do it well and produce socialized kittens from the top show bloodlines and such, like she does.
Yah. They can get expensive... Especially hypo allegenics because they have to have less of a certain chemical in their saliva
This is the tank as of now. The tannins in the wood have started leaching out and the classic wood fungus is growing... I will let the die out naturally. I took two photos just in case one is bad. Sorry for the glare.


Have you seen your fish since doing the make over?
Oh yes. The female is always out. The male... He is supposedly guarding the eggs inside the piece of dragon rock
Awesome update! I glanced over at my QT tank and slaw something darting around... I was like: "Wth, there shouldnt be a thing in there..." Turns out there must have been an egg or fry that made it there somehow cause it was a tiny baby fish swimming all about... I am cycling the tank so there are high ammonia levels at times (right now there is close to 0 ammonia in the QT tank and high nitrites)... So icouldnt have him/her in there. I caught him and put him in the main tank but ohhhh boy... The female and the fry locked eyes and ZOOOOOM they were off to the races. The fryishiding right now and she didnt catch him/her cause that fry goes fast... Hopefully he/she grows quickly and avoids being a quick snack...
Awesome update! I glanced over at my QT tank and slaw something darting around... I was like: "Wth, there shouldnt be a thing in there..." Turns out there must have been an egg or fry that made it there somehow cause it was a tiny baby fish swimming all about... I am cycling the tank so there are high ammonia levels at times (right now there is close to 0 ammonia in the QT tank and high nitrites)... So icouldnt have him/her in there. I caught him and put him in the main tank but ohhhh boy... The female and the fry locked eyes and ZOOOOOM they were off to the races. The fryishiding right now and she didnt catch him/her cause that fry goes fast... Hopefully he/she grows quickly and avoids being a quick snack...
Did you get a photo
Did you get a photo
I went to go get my phone and when I came back thats when the female started chasing it... I had a good oppurtunity to take a photo and I was just about to hit the button to take a photo but then the female was like: "OOO FOOD! AND ITS LIVE!"
I was able to turn on the light for a few and take a glareless image! So hopefully this is better quality
Awesome update! I glanced over at my QT tank and slaw something darting around... I was like: "Wth, there shouldnt be a thing in there..." Turns out there must have been an egg or fry that made it there somehow cause it was a tiny baby fish swimming all about... I am cycling the tank so there are high ammonia levels at times (right now there is close to 0 ammonia in the QT tank and high nitrites)... So icouldnt have him/her in there. I caught him and put him in the main tank but ohhhh boy... The female and the fry locked eyes and ZOOOOOM they were off to the races. The fryishiding right now and she didnt catch him/her cause that fry goes fast... Hopefully he/she grows quickly and avoids being a quick snack...
Why on earth did you do that, that baby fish was doing well now you have thrown it to the wolves:(
You have now made me angry; I don't understand why you would have thrown this baby fish in with the parents that are guarding eggs and not just put it in the breeding box that you have. Some of the decisions that you are making don't add up.
It was kinda late at night and the QT tank had very very high nitrite... Either way he could die but he has a better chance in the main tank. He would have died no doubt in the QT tank. Cause I'm adding ammonia and stuff to it soooo.... In order to put him in the breeder box i would have had to take the light and lid off of the main tank and then move the breeder box from the QT tank to the main tank which would be a pain while its a mesh one that pours out water while you move it... Also, mmaybe its an enrichment thing for the fish. You know, hunting? I bet the female got some fun adrenaline going while chasing it 😉. But I promise you if I see it I will TRY to move it to the breeder box. At the moment I was just trying to get it out of immediate danger. I didnt have time to move everything. All my dragon rock is in the QT tank so by the time I came back to him he could have hidden and then I would've been like: "Well, too bad little buddy. I'm adding ammonia in a few days so ya better show up." I feel like I made the best decision with the time I HAD. It was kinda like saving a person with a terminal disease in an area that had poison gas. You could just go: "Well he's gonna die anyways" or you can do the right thing and rescue them even though they may have a week left to live.
Sometimes............ I hope someone on this forum site notices the post above. I'm shocked! Anything I have to say will get me banned and frankly you are not worth it.
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It was kinda late at night and the QT tank had very very high nitrite... Either way he could die but he has a better chance in the main tank. He would have died no doubt in the QT tank. Cause I'm adding ammonia and stuff to it soooo.... In order to put him in the breeder box i would have had to take the light and lid off of the main tank and then move the breeder box from the QT tank to the main tank which would be a pain while its a mesh one that pours out water while you move it... Also, mmaybe its an enrichment thing for the fish. You know, hunting? I bet the female got some fun adrenaline going while chasing it 😉. But I promise you if I see it I will TRY to move it to the breeder box. At the moment I was just trying to get it out of immediate danger. I didnt have time to move everything. All my dragon rock is in the QT tank so by the time I came back to him he could have hidden and then I would've been like: "Well, too bad little buddy. I'm adding ammonia in a few days so ya better show up." I feel like I made the best decision with the time I HAD. It was kinda like saving a person with a terminal disease in an area that had poison gas. You could just go: "Well he's gonna die anyways" or you can do the right thing and rescue them even though they may have a week left to live.
How on earth was the baby fish “going to die anyway”? Why did you add it in with the adults??
How on earth was the baby fish “going to die anyway”? Why did you add it in with the adults??
The tank has over 5ppm in nitrites and I'm regularly adding ammonia to that tank... He would have been killed in that tank. It support life YET... Once it does I'd gladly keep fry in there but at the moment its a kill zone. In the main tank the fry has maybe a shot at living

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