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Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Aug 3, 2022
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I'm replacing my neon tetras that died off with purple harlequin rasboras. The quarantine tank is ready but I'm having a little bit of a difficult time getting a hold of them. One local place had them a couple of weeks ago but I wasn't ready for them yet. I've been calling around and right now, one place has two and that's it. I want 8 of them. I'm thinking of grabbing those two and just adding to them as I can find them. I might even round up to 8 with 2 or 3 of the regular red harlequins. They'd stay in the quarantine tank until 4-6 weeks after I complete the set and get all 8.
I could order them online but that's a lot extra for the shipping and I don't want to pay all that.
The local aquarium group is tonight. I should stop by and see if I can find anything there.
Today is when the local places get in new stock. I'll make some calls. If they have some, I'll do a big water change on the quarantine tank tonight and swing by to get them tomorrow.
I've done several orders from Wet Spot, they are also really good, in my experience.. & they have them in stock, minimum of 6...

I ran the numbers up to 25, & it let me do that ( usually stops at their stock level ) so they likely have at least that many... they only have wild caught, no tank raised
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I've done several orders from Wet Spot, they are also really good, in my experience.. & they have them in stock, minimum of 6...

I ran the numbers up to 25, & it let me do that ( usually stops at their stock level ) so they likely have at least that many... they only have wild caught, no tank raised
I've heard good things about them too.
But I have enough local places that I can save the mailing costs if I'm just a little patient.

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