Pfft, those are your guys' dream aquariums? You're all thinking way too small
Step 1, move to South Florida
Step 2, buy a LOT of land on the ocean and/or intercoastal
Step 3, hire a contractor that builds public aquariums
Step 4, build aquarium into the ground. Say something like 50x10 yards in surface area and maybe 15 feet deep. The aquarium will sit alongside my house with one wall of the aquarium as the foundation of the house and inset with MASSIVE acrylic windows for viewing "dry". Also have multiple sets of snorkel and SCUBA gear on-hand for those that want to view "wet" up close and personal
A tank that big would require MASSIVE algae scrubbers to remove nutrients and the rockwork would probably have to be created from the stone that was mined to dig the foundation of the house/tank. In south florida this is cheating though cause the rock under the house is all aragonite based anyway, so it's like having instant free base rock. Lighting is of course all natural and so would waterchanges. In fact there would be no waterchanges since the aquarium would communicate directly with seawater, eliminating the need for additives as well.
Some guy in Portugal did something similar, so it's definitely possible