The Oil Spill

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We should SUPPORT BP...not boycott them. and those who boycott them are wasting their time. The money they dont spend on BP products is NOTHING FOR THEM!!! Also who knows, the laptop/pc ure using could have been made from crude oil from BP ;)
Just a friendly moderator reminder here, to keep it civil. It is obviously an emotional issue, and as this thread has gone, brings up some politics as well. So, as I wrote, just keep it civil. This thread is toeing the line, but hasn't crossed yet, and let's keep it this way.
no problem Bignose,

I'm just pointing out the other sides of the issues which people don't always think about, or even know anything about. after all, how many people here know how much money BP make from petrol stations compared to their crude oil? it's not common knowledge. I also had no idea how little petrol stations make on fuel until my wife started working in one. most other products on the market shops wouldn't even bother selling with such a low profit margin.
and lets not forget the fishies :p

no doubt this might affect the marine trade on certain live stocks and some LR prices might go up

Suburban & city areas often have dumpster or bag programs set up for lawn clippings. These are generally composted from what I understand, what if they were dried out, would they have the same effect as the hay used in that video?
i want to know how the oil spill in the gulf will affect you?
your hobby? or your life?

Well I imagine it'll put oil prices up; so it'll affect everyone...petrol, oil, plastics etc.

I work in the oil and gas industry (we don't work with BP - although I did once and found them oh so very useful... :no: ). My job is to assess subsea pipelines (we don't deal with that area) - but everyone at work is finding it really intersting.

I'd like to know how much the lost revenue from just the lost oil is costing them; let alone, clean up, the lost platform, the lost lives/insurances, reputation, thinking time for 'repair techniques', going through with the "repairs", making stuff for the "repairs". BP aren't known for their caring attitude at the best of times but this has ruined that!

For health and safety you can't build a pipeline within XXmeters of a house/village etc. BP did that, polluted the river so all the slums near by had to move away (no compensation) and because they polluted and blocked the river it killed off all the fish and food supplies...nice and environmentally friendly!
why didnt they fit a shut off valve or something similar.....? or

also i bet fuel prices will rise again :angry:

I think they did, I think the problem is that failed. With UK Health and Safety you have to have a shut off valve subsea (after Piper Alpha) however it is not essential you need to check it works; they check the topsides ones but as the subsea ones don't need to be checked most people don't check them.

I also DO hope BP survive this...if they don't purely for selfish reasons, petrol will go through the roof and we won't be driving cars anymore. If petro is this expensive now; whith a massive company gone then there will be less oil and less competition therefore they can raise their prices.
as an envirnmentalist and humanitarian, take your responsibility for what has and is currently happening. and simply burning the oil off is not the answer. Fix it. and clean up your mess. I am not paying for your stupidity BP.

Who knew that the US had a National Contigency Plan for just such an occasion. The EPA has a legal obligation for maintaining readiness.

Where is the EPA in all of this, and where is Lisa Jackson? Is she still too busy espousing CO2 as a toxin and danger to humanity to be bothered with this?

good point and noted of course, but still, this is not the EPA's fault. i agree the entire thing is a giant mess. on lots of levels. the ultimate blame is with the company-just as it would be if it were a tanker, and not a well, only difference being it is not a self- limiting catastrophe. but i see your point.

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