The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!!!
I cannot find my new fishes.. I am going to remove all my plants from the 14 gallon and replant them.. I am not happy with the scape..
Also I has to do the dishes.. The wife is running a 5 mile race tonight.. I think she is insane..
Why run if no one is chasing you - I always say.
Hey Lovelies!  Just felt like saying that I guess...............
It was a good week at work so far, I sold much and my designs did a lot of the selling.  The owner seems impressed with my work, as he should be.
Ruskull said:
Why run if no one is chasing you - I always say.
Hey Lovelies!  Just felt like saying that I guess...............
It was a good week at work so far, I sold much and my designs did a lot of the selling.  The owner seems impressed with my work, as he should be.
Hey lovelies!!!
Did a huge water change on the 14 gallon.. Had to move an angel into that tank.. it's a huge veiled one.. beautiful fish.. the issue is I has a spawning pair now, and he was getting killed in the 37 gallon..
He seems happy.. There he shall stay..
Hey lovelies!

Had a great day at whitewater water park today! That was my 2nd trip there and I'm planning my 2nd trip to six flags over Georgia. My season pass has definately been worth it so far.
Hey lovelies!

I put my platy out of his misery. I have him the ice water treatment. Did a 50% water change.

Going to the airport in half an hour. Bye! I'll see you lovelies in 2 weeks :D

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CrazyAboutFish said:
Hey lovelies!

I put my platy out of his misery. I have him the ice water treatment. Did a 50% water change.

Going to the airport in half an hour. Bye! I'll see you lovelies in 2 weeks

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Has a blast yo!!!
Hey Lovelies!!!
I gots my brines skrimps burblin away..
had to move some angel fish around.. O now has two in my 14 gallon..
Had to take an Endler out of the 14 and put him in the 8..
All in all, a busy day..
Looks like there's room for some smaller tanks as well.  Very nice.
Hey Lovelies!!!
Presently in negotiations with the wife regarding a cruise to Alasker..
We are going, it's more less a matter of when..
I want to go in 2014, her in 2015.. I am trying to tell her that I may not be alive in 2015, so carpe diem..  noam sayin??
all signs are pointing to a May/June 2014 departure.. trying to narrow it down..
To say this vacation will be sick is a vast understatement..
Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on earth.  I've never been there but it's on my list...............

Hay Lovelies!
I just picked up (2) Nerite Snails, (2) Glowlights and (1) Neon from an online friend who's moving soon and trying to get his fish stock levels in check.  FREE FISH !!!
Thanks MoF!   In fact he's also re homing a couple of Upside Down Catfish, a medium sized male Albino Bristlenose Pleco & a Aborichthys Elongates, which is somewhat like a Kuhli Loach.  I'm going to see if my father has room in one of his tanks for these guys, namely his 29 gallon he just got cycled.
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