The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Ruskull said:
I design & sell Signs, so there's always work to be done.
huh.... I thought you worked for The Carolina Panthers..

I was way off..
Nah, I don't even like the Panthers, I'm a disgruntled Jets fan remember?
I've really been kicking butt at work lately, making great designs, quoting & following up.  We've sold a few already and we should have some really good sales coming up next week.  I want to start up my own sign company since I've been working in this field for so long, but someone else's making most of the proceeds.
Hey Lovelies!
I did major water changes on the Betta tanks and the 20 gallon, 50-75% on each.  Those tanks haven't had a water change or cleaning in almost 2 weeks.  Tonight I'll do the 55, which is up to date so a 5 gallon bucket or two bucket should be more than enough.  My son Zach wants to enter his 55 gallon in the Tank of the Month so I need to get a decent picture for him.
Hey Lovelies!!
Hope you're all well. Turns out my cold was a flu. Still gettin over it.....
Hey LOvelies!  Losing an hour of sleep to Daylight Savings Time is no fun on a Monday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hey Lovelies!!!

Hasn't been around too much, I have been sucked into the world of Far Cry Three.. I think my wife is on the verge of leaving me..
Down to one cat now... I got the first one years ago when I moved into this apartment however lately hes been very anti social, goes nowhere near me when the girlfriend is around and causing some other issues.  Last year we got a second cat and hes turned out well.  He sits around us all the time, sleeps on us at night and just wants to be our friend.  Due to the first cats nature of not wanting to be around people much he was hard to find a home for but the only shelter in town that doesnt put cats to sleep had an opening so I just dropped him off.  Poor guy meowed the entire ride it broke my heart...  He was also causing anxiety issues with the girlfriend so he had to go.... she takes priority.  I always tell myself if you cant handle a pet dying then not to get one from the start, and when I knew I had to find a home for him a few weeks ago I've been trying to push myself away from him emotionally but the sounds he made going into the car and the short drive broke through that wall I tried to build...
It'll be better for him though
Dude, that was very sad.  You have my sympathy.  
Thanks, got it in my head to start thinking of ideas for my 75g I want to turn it planted and make it primarily a Harlequin Rasbora and Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish tank and keep my Gouramis with them.  I only have a few guppy left I might just feed them to my oscar theres not much left from my Livebearer tank after that infection wiped them out
I'm trying to condense my tanks from 7 to 3 myself.  I just know that with Spring coming soon I need to work on the yard & house and I won't have the proper time to dedicate to that many tanks.  I'm still running 5 right now but it'll be down to 3 before the summer ends I'm sure.  I've listed 2 of the tanks on craigslist and I'll throw in the 5 Glowlights, a Bristlenose Pleco and a liverbearer, probably the Molly.  They'd fit nicely in that 20 gallon high that's been collecting dust in my garage.
I have 6 with fish in them right now, trying to sell my 50gallon but every single person who has emailed me or called me has never replied back or called back on the day they were supposed to come pick it up.  That'll take me down to 5 tanks and I got two 10 and two 20 empty for QT or if I find a female BN and I get them to make some babies
I'm at 2 right now, but it'll go back up once I get the salty started.
It's not that I don't like the fish, the tanks, or that I'm losing interest..............just trying to be realistic.  There's only so many available hours in each day & to be fair the 20 gallon tank has become an overflow for all the fish that can't seem to get along and play well with others.  The only fish I bought on purpose for that tank are the Three Lined Corries and the Dwarf Gourami.  Those Corries could easily be moved to Zach's 55 gallon & the Dwarf may end up in my 36 gallon.
I have a plan.............. 
Hey Lovelies!!!

I am two days over for a water change.. One of my angelfish is aggressive to my other angels, and I got one that only hides in the plants.. poor lil feller..

only three more weeks until Amsterdam!!!

I can almost smell the tulips.. Tulips smell right??
Did my waterchanges, and rescaped the 40g a little, I cut up the giant watersprite into lots of little pieces and spread it around the tank and swapped the HOB filter I had with a canister I had in the bedroom so I can let some of the watersprite float
That only took a few hours....
Phantomlink, that was sad about your cat but you did the right thing.  When I decided to get a dog I was determined to adopt one from the spca. It took a few weeks but I found one I thought was suitable and took her home. That same day I took her back as she was possessive. If she was playing with anything and the kids went near her she'd snap at them so I couldn't take any chances. I cried my eyes out as I felt so guilty because I gave her a home and then brought her back. That's nothing compared to how you feel I know. Poor animals.
I'm just about almost better now and I'm several days over with a water change on my 180. Was too sick. Feeling guilty....
Over the past few weeks I'v lost one of my rasboras each week, the third I found this morning. Don't know why. Only three left. Poor things.
I'm not getting too hopefull but my piddling pooch went to the door to be left out for a wee this evening. Oh the excitement. We had snow and he LOVED it. He hates rain. It snowed heavily yesterday and everything was covered. Today it was still lovely and snowy out buy by 3pm had you just arrived in my part of the world you wouldn't have believed it had ever snowed. Not a trace of it. Glad it's gone though. It's a novelty here so everyone gets excited and panicky and the kids go crazy.

Hey Lovelies!!!! Couldn't fit any more text up there for some reason. Gonna watch me some Walking Dead now before bed.
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