The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread 2

Hey Lovelies!!!
As you all know one of my biggest nemesis's is The Tektronix 576 Curve Tracer.
These things are workhorses. Most of ours were built back in the late 60's but we has a couple that were from 1980. Anyhoo, I has an issue with noise on the ground which is putting ac noise (30KHz) on all the dc voltages.
I thought I had it fixt, I found a cap that had three positive taps, and three ground taps. one of the ground taps had the noise, and the other two were clean. So I found a cap that was aboot 200 microfarads less than the original. So I swapped it out, and after I put the curve tracer back together I had the wrong voltage on one of the pins!!!
what happened was the colors had faded on the wires and I could not tell gray from white and wound up connecting wires W and Z wrong. Going forward I am juss going to label the wires on the older curve tracers, the ones where the colors are faded at least..
Uh oh, who/what died?

I lost one of my Bettas, the Elephant Ear named "Max" which was my wife's favorite.  The worst part is that the other Betta in that divided 10 gallon isn't looking too well.
I remember back when I lost both my bettas in the same day
Hey Lovelies!!!!!

I spend so much time formulating a perfect plan, juss to see it all fall to pieces
Hey lovelies!

Figured out my eheim just needs a new sealing gasket. Selling it for $50 as is and the buyer can replace it. It is, in fact, only a $20 part so I think a good deal.
Hey lovelies. I finally got an apartment and I get my stuff tomorrow. Hope to be on my way to a new tank setup within a couple of weeks
I hope you get a good one and post your progress here.
Hey Lovelies!  Did some last minute shopping today & of course I had to stop by the local Petco & Petsmart.  I ended up getting a new water change siphon, a Purigen packet, 2 big dog bones, a Pineapple Swordtail male & 2 more Threelined Corries.

Oh, and my Dragonscale Betta died so now the 10 gallon is empty and going to be shut down later today.  In fact we're considering trying the last Betta in the 20 gallon high with the huge Bolivian Ram, 4 Glowlights, 2 Neons, a Bristlenose Pleco and 2 Nerite Snails.  I'll keep you guys posted as top whether he works out in there or not.  I'm mostly worried about him getting along with the Ram..............
I'm probably going to get a pair of angels, or just shut down my 55. It's beginning to become a burden and I'm not really getting much enjoyment from it, and that's what it's all about right?
I wish you lived closer,. I'd take the entire stock from that tank!
I just moved the Betta from his 3 gallon cube to the 20 gallon, wish me luck!  So far he's just chilling out in the Anubias plants............but the Bolivian Ram knows he has a visitor............stay tuned.
Hey Lovelies!  Free Cory!!!
So I was cleaning out the Rena XP3 that's on my son's 55 gallon and when I was pouring out the last of the water from the canister I saw something small & brown trying to squiggle away.  I grabbed it out of the tub and threw it into my 36 gallon thinking it was an Otocinclus because that's what it looked like.  When it came out front though it was a 1/2 inch long little baby Three Lined Cory!  The Corries must've mated and one of the fry got sucked into the filter!

That filter hasn't been cleaned out in at least 2 months maybe longer so I have no idea how long it was in the filter.  He/she looks healthy though but it's color is pinkish where it would normally be more white/light gray/light beige.  This fish has probably never seen light since it was a fry.  Now it's in my 36 gallon with some big semi aggressive Gouramis..........

Obviously I plan to scoop it up and move it back to the 55 gallon with the other Corries as soon as I can catch the little bugger. 
Hey Lovelies!  Merry Christmas Eve!
Just came back from the local Petsmart and my son talked me into picking up (3) Turquoise Rainbowfish!  One of them is almost 3 inches long, the others are around 2 inches and they have great color.  So far so good in the 55 gallon tank but the Molly started harassing the bigest Rainbow so he was scooped up and moved to the 20 gallon high.  Hopefully he'll get along with the Betta in that tank.
Hey lovelies!

Can't wait for Christmas tomorrow!! I sold my eheim 2226, with leak for $40. The buyer was very satisfied and confident in his ability to fix the leak. Fine with me :)

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