The Oddball's Poll

45 gallon tank

New Member
Nov 19, 2006
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Hello to all oddball fans my uncle keeps different types of oddballs and i just wanna know what would you prefer as a oddball fish. The knife fishes, elephant nose, baby whale, arowanas, lepronus, distichodus, freshwater rays, or bichirs. My personal favorite are the arowanas they are intelligent although they need a big tank. i'm new here so tell me anything you see here that's incorrect so i can fix it.
stingrays and arowanas are my personal favourites :nod:
if i can only pick one it would be rays
Easy -- the best oddball is the fish in the tropical fish shop I've never seen before.



2100 replies exactly. Gooooo n monks.

And that oddball will be the one to eat you someday. "Hmmm...." *stick hand into take* *Lift arm out, hand it gone* "AHHHHHH"

haha. I love my elephant nose, and my albino senegal bichir, but I do admire rays too.
Is a 6 gill shark odd enough??? Haha, I think these guys have been caught on video only like 2 or 3 times ever and live at the bottom of the ocean....

So if I could only have a a 20,000 Gallon tank that could be pressurized to the same as 5 or 6 miles below the surface, I would be all set :good:

It would be cool to watch this guy slowly cruise looking for food scraps to eat :fun:
When I was at university I was lucky enough to be given a frilled shark to dissect (everyone else got mackeral and haddock!). I guess I was being rewarded for looking after the display aquaria, and the professors knew how much I liked fish. Anyway, the thing was amazing: about 4 feet long, eel-like, and covered in a really thick and spiny skin.

What was a surprise was when I opened the body cavity: sprayed with fish soup! Horribly smelly and oily! The reason why my fish was full of soup but everyone with the "boring" fish had bones and organs was interesting. Shallow water fish experience higher temperatures than deep sea fish. My deep sea shark was used to living in water barely above freezing (4 degrees C to be precise). It's digestive enzymes worked almost as well in the freezer as they did when it was alive, and over the weeks had digested the insides of the fish!

I'll never forget being covered in that stuff. Horrible.

But the shark was very, VERY cool.



Is a 6 gill shark odd enough??? Haha, I think these guys have been caught on video only like 2 or 3 times ever and live at the bottom of the ocean....
This question just isnt fair :( , how can you choose just one favourite oddball?

IF i could only have one oddball ever it would probably be my electric eel, as oddballs go that one is pretty damn cool.
My Leopoldi stingray, both mine and Kates favourite
Followed by Asian Arowana

Steve :)
Ok lets get this confusion over with my question is not to choose your favorite but which one that you'd prefer oh and for the people who like rays, do you plan on keeping them someday?

So far the rays are winning the poll :( But the arowanas are in second place :D
Love to get me some Autralian Lungfish but I doubt it since I think they're on the C.I.T.E.S. list. But I like my African Lungfish just the same. Would be cool to get a few more and see if I could have them pop out some babies but I fear it'll be more like a blood bath :no: .

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