Welp, I went about 30 miles from my house to go to this fish store, because I heard they have everything. I nearly had a hard attack when I walked in. They have so many fish, I don't know half the names. I saw Arrowana's about 3 foot long, I saw sooo many puffers, coral, HUGE CATFISH, every filter ever made, Peacock Bass that really went crazy when it saw my crowntail in my hand. Tons of clown triggers, Albino Oscars, Lion fish ( the one in duce biggalo). I saw soo many sharks, about 1000 tanks with fish in them and another 1000 on the floor for sale, going up to about 600 gallons. I wish I had my camera, I would have taken so many pics for you guys. I will try and think of all the stuff I saw, but my absolute favorite was the baby Porcepine puffer. I'm thinking about getting one!