The new guy


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Amos has moved out, EDIT (his name has changed - he's not Cleo anymore, he's now JASPER) has moved in.
He's not seeming to be diggin his new place all that much - but I would imagine the poor dear is petrified after all he's been thru.

Here is JASPER! :wub:

(still in his little deathtrap)

(and after he'd been released into his new home.
EDIT: Here's another photo of him in his tank!

EDIT - he's started moving around a bit, but then he just stops and rests in one spot like he's stunned or something. He only moves when he's startled by something.

Recommendations for treatments, salts, etc?
I have Maracyn and Maracyn 2 on hand, and I have aquarium salt. :/
Note: his dorsal fin is really rotted away - it's in pretty bad shape.
Hey BettaMomma,

I'm new to the fish hobby but I can tell you what happened with my Betta (Boomer) :wub: . I put him in his new home on Saturday and for the first hour he seemed listless and had no energy. I kept the light off and within two hours he seemed to be happy. All is well now and he enjoyed his feeding of bloodworms today. I hope things work out for you.
thanks :)
I'm just worried about him because I just rescued him from WalMart and who knows what kind of hell they go through there - his dorsal fin is also badly deteriorated so I'm not quite sure how to begin treating him so the tail starts growing back and he's comfortable.

Thanks for the input! :)
You can treat fin rot with Maracyn, I believe. To dose it, follow this logic:
- 2 tablets is the day 1 dose for 10 gallons, so 1/2 tablet would be the day 1 dose for a 2.5 as it is 1/4 the amount needed for 10.
- Days 2-7 should use 1/4 tablet as you'd usually use 1 tablet for 10 gallons for the next several days.
- Do a BIG water change when you're done. I don't know if you have filtration or not. If so, remove the activated carbon but leave the filter and sponge/fabric in there to keep it filtered at least somewhat. If there is no filter, that's tricky, cause you're supposed to do 7 days then a water change, but the water may get too dirty in that time.
- If the fins look like they aren't deteriorating further and new tissue has started to develop (clear stuff forming where new fin is just starting to grow), then you might want to do a follow up treatment of Melafix since it helps regenerate tissue more rapidly.

Good luck :thumbs:
I'm going to give him some time to get acclimated and see what happens.
I think I'll start his treatment for finrot tomorrow.

There's no filtration in his tank - just a heater.
The poor guy is just staring out at me - he thinks I can't see him because he's got one plant leaf hanging over his head. lol
That's just how most of them are after being putin a new takes them a little while to become accustomed to their new surroundings. Just leave him alone..if he is acting like that I wouldn't even feed him..because he probably won't eat and it'll just foul his water.

Then choose whatever finrot meds you want, but if he is weak I wouldn't hit him with anything really harsh right off the bat, just my opinion.
Agreed, SRC - he's starting to buzz around a bit more now, I think he was just scared.
i'll keep an eye on him - i'm at the office for a few more hours.
I'm sure he'll cut loose when we all go home for the evening and he's got some peace and tranquility to start enjoying his new home!
3 of my 4 boys have the little cave looking rock formation thingy in their tanks.
None of them use it or like it or even go near it - Jasper's hanging out in the middle of his. YAY! :rolleyes:
awww,he probably finds the enclosed feeling comforting since he's been in that cup for so long :wub: What a day the little guy has had! The best day of his life :whistle: :hey:
Yep, I think so too!
He looks like a little shark in there with is shortened dorsal fin.
And since he's grey - he's such a handsome boy.

I'm severely attached to him already! :wub:
Well, he's been in his new tank for 4 hours now - and it's time for me to go home.
I don't wanna go!! He's 'still hiding under his little hidey leaf. :rolleyes:

He's starting to make me nervous about going home - i'm sure it's the new home acclimation making him so hidey but he just sits perfectly still for long periods of time - like 10 minutes or more. He has been exploring a little bit more, but as soon as he spots me, he goes back over to the bottom and just hangs there.

I'll be starting the med dosages tomorrow morning. I'm going to think it over during the night and figure out exactly what to give him.
Wou. you got him finally. Now you don't have to feels guilty anymore for not getting him on sunday. :lol:
Yeevia -
This guy isn't the one I had originally wanted, sadly. The original one was gone by the time I got back there the next day. I can only speculate on what his fate was. :/
However - this guy was in need of some help just the same. His dorsal fin was really badly deteriorating and he was laying on the bottom of his cup not moving, even when I picked up the cup. I knew right away. He's sort of dull gray, and I will just say - he was the least attractive of the guys on the shelf (don't worry - I covered his eyes when I typed that part lol), very plain and unactive, and I'm sure he'd have been the last one picked up by someone. That, along with the fin problem, is how I knew he needed to be mine. :wub:

He's still hiding under his one lowly leaf in his tank - I got here this morning and he was sort of swimming around but he still must be in "new tank terror" mode so when he saw me he took off and swam thru his cave, and then back under his leaf. I'm going to start him on some meds today now that his temp has been brought up to where it should be. He's now about 78 degrees.

Skylar - a 2.5 gallon tank is about 12$ at PetSmart or PetCo (don't know if you have any near you) and then you can just get a reptile tank cover that's got holes in it, I think they're about 5$ or so. They're really nice because they actually have clamps that hold the tank lid down so they can't jump out. You should also get a little hydor heater - those run about 12$. SO, you'll of course have to get some gravel and decorations, but it's not really too expensive to get a tank together, especially if your friends chip in for your bday. You could have them get you a pet store gift certificate and you could pick out your own! B)

Also, Skylar - i'd recommend trying to rescue one that has some sort of ailment, because generally those are the kind that get bought last. Be prepared to treat it, do your homework and you'll be richly rewarded. I absolutely adore my boys and can't wait til Jasper starts swimming around like crazy. :wub:

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