The New Bettas

AquaNut said:
I think the females are super tuff!! Plus, my girlies have more personality than my boys. The boys are so vain, always watching their own reflections and trying to look well coiffed in case some pretty female should happen to swim into their tanks. My females are always playing and jumping for me. They jump right out of the water to take bloodworms off my fingers. :rolleyes:
Hmmmm...all I've had are males. Maybe I ought to get a female.... :rolleyes: What's one more fish? I think the boyfriend counts them when he comes over though, to make sure I haven't gotten any more :lol:
(He really doesn't mind me having a lot of fish, it's just a money and space issue right now.)

aka Lizard
Ignore this. Just a storage place for pics.


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akhtar said:
hello again! is he a albino betta, if theres such!!
An albino would have pinkish eyes. This one looks like an almost pure white.
He's definitely pure white, not a spot of colour on him, aside from a bit of darkness around the edges of his gill covers, visible when he flares. All of the others being sold with him had spots of colour on them somewhere; he was the whitest of the bunch. I almost bought a less-white one because this guy didn't look very healthy in his little lfs bowl, but after 24 hours in his new tank he was looking absolutely gorgeous. He's always flaring... at his neighbours, his reflection, and me - every time I go to his tank. :rolleyes: His little girlfriend is almost entirely translucent, but he's very opaque. His fins, when flared, are sort of translucent. Regardless of how rare or common he might be, I think he's absolutely gorgeous. :wub:
lmao @ having a hottie betta :lol:

I got him at my little hole in the wall lfs. There is only one lfs in my town and they're pathetic for hardware (need a new heater, filter etc), but they do get some pretty nifty fish in from time to time. The white bettas were a very pleasant surprise when I was in the shop last week. :nod:

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