The new babies are on their way!

Yeah! The top picture of the DT bf male and his female below are proud parents. They hatched out yesterday. Horray, horray. :wub: Sorry, just really excited about it. He has become my favorite fish and I started calling him Superman because I just couldn't think of anything else that came to my mind when I watched him. His coloring is so awesome. He is not red like I originally thought he would be, but is a fuschia/pink color and he has a purple/violet irridesence. Never seen another like him. I'll keep you posted on good news later on I hope.
Thank you for the compliments, but I'm sure we all have great taste in fish :p I'll see if I can take any pictures this weekend.
Congratulation Texaswoman. You got very beautiful bettas. I hope all the babies turned out stunning in 3 months. :D Feed them everyday!!! Sure pump them good. I got four batches of babies and drive me nuts! Scare not enough food for them to eat. LOL

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