The Most Amazing Tank Ever!

Amano is my man. I always go online to look for his master peice. Some day when I retire I will finally have time to do what he does.
That'd be a ton of fun!
I'd buy it and turn it SW!
With a stand a hood, of course.
Look at all those neons!

Amano is an artist, pure and simple -- he just uses aquariums instead of canvas!
absolutely beautiful he is a genius no doubt......................oh id love a tank that size but we'd have to take our sofas,tv,bookcase & probably mourselves out of our small flat to fit it in :/
but i can dream!!!!
The impressive thing for me is that there is a weir in the back right corner, showing that you can have fantastic planted tanks with sump filtration.

The fact it has a sump means it is probably on an auto water top off: no water changes. Check out the pipes running to the left of him.
Anyone know what plant cover that is in JackDemp's picture is? I've been trying to figure that out for close to 4 months now and I cant find any of that fine grassy moss stuff and in stores. Maybe that is the kind of stuff that is sold on the aquarium plant black market lol.
Where do you see angelfish? I think I can't see them cause I'm looking at all the plants :D

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