The Liittle Madame Bit Me


Getting old, but nowhere near knackered, i just lo
Feb 8, 2007
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Bournemouth Uk
ive got the biggest headache and bruising after being beaten up by Diva the other day, we were playing on the bed with a towel and she got over excited and bit the back of my head twice, once in the neck and the other on the base of my skull, it didnt really hurt at the time but JEEZE it bloody hurts now, got bruising and it feels like ive been stung by 10 wasps in the same place.

she didnt mean it but hell why cant they be born with blunt teeth to make playing easier :lol:
sounds like it's infected modaz...keep an eye on yourself, because if it is infected you can go downhill very fast.....let someone nearby you know what's happened, so they can keep an eye on you too, in case you need medical help. hope you feel better soon!

ps cheeky little madam!
Lol.. aren't puppies just so great :p heh

Cid has gotten me a few times. Just tonight, I was playing with him before fiance went to bed (Cid goes to bed with him)... and he hopped up and bit me right on my chin. His K9 scraped along my chin and good lord it hurt like crazy.

He's gotten me a few times on my hands as well when we've been playing.

All of these scratches, and bruises are just a small price to pay though :)
I can imagine poor diva feeling sorry for hurting someone without even realising it
i hope you get over the pain soon, alot of the time is the ones you hardlt notice that HURT afterwards!

how much hair do you have ? I ask because how easy is it to see the back of your head (to inspect bruising) Bless her though she obviously loves her daddy really :D
how much hair do you have ? I ask because how easy is it to see the back of your head (to inspect bruising) Bless her though she obviously loves her daddy really :D

i aint got much hair :lol: its feeling tender now rather than painful and feels like a slight twisted neck. checked her mouth today because she was chewing something and had a guilty look on her face and shes lost some teeth, the ones underneath are coming through nice and blunt :hey: not like they are gunna stay that way.

apart from that she doing great with not destroying the house, never had a puppy that doesnt eat things, really lucky. but the toilet training just isnt happening, if i moved the pad she does it where the pad was,(even though she can see the pad has moved and its in her view)shes out at 7.30am and 12am but WILL NOT go to the toilet, she only does it outside during her main walk if she really has to and then she is so fussy where she does it that it takes her 5 mins to actually find a place to let it flow :lol: or will hold on until she gets home, im constantly washing the carpet down..........HEEEEEEEEELP :sad: there is only 2 places she does it, one at the top of the stairs and one by the front door where the pads are and were. shes such and intelligent quick learning pup that i know its me doing something wrong otherwise she would have it sussed by now.
did the "quick,quick" and its like talking to a brick wall,
it takes a long time to build an association word for using it consistently for months....
have you cleaned where she toileted on the carpet with biological cleaner?
you can buy scented spray that you can put on her puppy pads ( they are probably already impregnated with it anyway), but you could try using it outside where you want her to go....
also, if you take her out when you know she will need to pee/poo (10 minutes or less after waking up, 10-30 minutes after eating, etc), and just stay out in the toileting area until she goes (can take a while), you might be able to help her to create the right habits.
sorry to hear you are having hassles, it must be frustrating, but just remember that once she has built the habits you want, you won't have to worry about it for the next 10-15's 'only' a few months of struggle for a long reward....(yeah, 'only' i hear you say in disgust!)
hope your fang :p wounds are feeling better, and i hope she gets the toileting idea soon...for your carpets sake if nothing else!
i will not be beaten, she WILL learn where the toilet is, its called the WORLD OUTSIDE the house :lol: yep 15 years ish, lucky old me :look: and then it all starts again as she turns incontinent :lol: :lol:
how much hair do you have ? I ask because how easy is it to see the back of your head (to inspect bruising) Bless her though she obviously loves her daddy really :D
i aint got much hair :lol:
Is that because she's pulled it all out ? hehe
how much hair do you have ? I ask because how easy is it to see the back of your head (to inspect bruising) Bless her though she obviously loves her daddy really :D
i aint got much hair :lol:
Is that because she's pulled it all out ? hehe
ive got the biggest headache and bruising after being beaten up by Diva the other day, we were playing on the bed with a towel and she got over excited and bit the back of my head twice, once in the neck and the other on the base of my skull, it didnt really hurt at the time but JEEZE it bloody hurts now, got bruising and it feels like ive been stung by 10 wasps in the same place.

she didnt mean it but hell why cant they be born with blunt teeth to make playing easier :lol:

As cute as this all seems, you really should be firm about biting. Biting any part of your body should be strictly off-limits, but if you had to compromise, at least really try to get her to stop biting the face and head. That is the beginnings of a nasty habit. :no:

I'm sure she didn't mean it, but puppies have no idea what they can get away with unless you let them know. Next time she bites, give a yell, put her down, and refuse to play with her or acknowledge her. After a little bit, resume play. If she bites again, repeat the process. In time, she'll understand that if she's too rough, she won't get play time with her favorite person, which is you. Puppies can either learn this quickly, or take forever, like my stupid/too smart dogs. :) From what I've read, puppies, and kittens, learn this skill from their mother and their littermates, from the time they are able to really begin playing, which is at around 4-6 weeks, but this skill is not quite honed yet when most puppies and kittens come home to their owners, at 6-8 weeks, and they often make mistakes. From what I've seen, they really start responding well to this behavior at around 12-20 weeks, which is the time some breeders prefer to separate the young animal from its mother. I have noticed this behavior change in the kittens I've raised, and the behavior change is very interesting. My kittens went from playing with claws fully-extended and teeth chomping down, to gentle kneeding with no claws and the occasional light nibble or no biting at all. They learned from each other, since one kitten would cry when the other was too rough and immediately stop play. This is much better for everybody involved. You're at a disadvantage since Diva doesn't have littermates or her biological mommy to help her practice this. She only has you and your family. If everybody is consistant, which is tough to accomplish, she will easily stop this behavior.

Hope you feel better. Bites and scratches can hurt, believe me, I know. I just recovered from bathing the kittens on the 4th of July. This months bathing went much better.

llj :)
With respect to the biting, lljdama is right, make sure though, you make a noise to signal the OUCH. Because I watch my two pups play fight, and once one bites too hard (they bite eachother alllll the time) the one bitten will let out a yelp, and immediately the playing and biting stops and the one that bite the other licks him/her, and then they continue.

About the peeing in the house, if there are specific places she goes, is there maybe anyway to block those areas off from her? I know when we had Lola she would always go in the same place in the dining room. so we blocked it off, and she went outside. I have never seen those pad thingss you are talking about. we have always just put them out to pee about every half hour or so, and when they wake up from naps and after they eat and they get the idea pretty quick. One of the pups, Zack, now lets us know when he has to go out, rather than go in the house. But be consistent with it!!

And also, I think you should post a photo of Diva :D
she dont bite, i stopped this a few weeks ago, its just she was going for the towel and i pulled it away so my head got it :lol: :lol:
if want pics just look under my threads in this section.

will work on the toilet issues :sly:

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