wait till you hear this one....I went to my lfs where i never buy a fish for this very reason.....and just to prove to my boyfriend why i would never go there I decided I would play dumb and ask the associate for a little advice. Now keep in mind I have 3 balas and know how big they get and their requirements etc.
Me: Excuse me sir......I really like these little guys, what kind are they?
Fish "Specialist": Oh those are tetras, they are a new variety and are extremely aggressive.
Me: Really? Well since I have a new tank would they be able to make it?
FS: Oh yeah they are very hardy and can live through anything.
Me: Well I have a 10 gallon....how big will they get and How many can I put in there.
FS: Oh they'll only get about 2 inches MAX......Do you have anything else in the tank?
ME: Nope
FS: well then you can have 5
ME: well what else can i put in there?
FS: how about a algae eater (pleco)
ME: shoudl I wait untill I have algae and how big will that one get?
FS: He won't get any bigger, and no you don't need to wait, just feed him bloodworms once a week and he will be fine.
ME: Oh ok.....well I have to go home and think about it. I'll come back tomorrow.
FS: ok well if your sure.
ME: Yeah I'm sure, oh and by the way.....Those are bala sharks not tetras. they can grow to a maximum of 12" the minimum size tank that 5 of them should go into would be over 200 gallons. They are gentle giants and are not aggressive. Also the plec can grow to 24inches and should not be in anything under 100 gallons. Oh and by the way they need vegetables and greens in their diet. and this is why I am sure.
FS: Huh?
ME: yeah thats what I thought. See Ya!
So if i hadn't known better I would have gone home with 5 bala sharks and 1 plec in a 10 gallon tank!
Now my boyfriend knows why I don't go there and make him drive an hour to the "good" store!