Wow! Thanks guys for voting for my tank. Big thank you to Mattlee who sold me this tank a while back. He apparently also won TOTM with this very tank too. I have to say I'm a bit surprised, as the competition in my opinion was very strong this month. I especially loved coldcazzie and standbysetting's tanks. I love their mixture of broad leaves and small plants, and their great use of wood. I thought my was rather simple compared to their creation. Perharps it's my golden and odessa barbs who won it for me.
This tank looks a lot different from when I took the picture in mid June as the photo was post-trimming of the plants. Since then the plant for some reason dies back and I am actually in the process of redoing it. This gives me a lot of incentive to redo the tank and maybe try again with a slightly different scape. My other tank is also in need of some gardening.
Some of my fishes have moved on too, with the golden barbs moving to the big tank, 1 apple snail committed suicide while escaping and the other 3 die of heartache (still don't know why they died). They are replaced with 12 cherry barbs and 6 more 3-lined corys. I'll update my picture and maybe in the next few months, re-enter the tank!
Thanks again!