The Insanely Boring Tank..... T-T

BettaBettas said:
yea ik lol, we just moved. currently were setting up a 75 gallon tank. in the mean time there temporarily in there for about half a week. (sorry Bettas T-T) and yea there Betta Splendens
cant have enough fish emoji, I practically use it on every post
Ah, gotcha, then in that case, not so bad if just for a few days.
Keep an eye on these bettas though, just in case ;)
lol thanks, I will for sure. up here (on a rural area) not much to do so at night I just sit down next to them and watch them, In the fluval tank it came with led lights that can turn blue and I was like: OMG, since ive never owned lights like that
is about 1 week old, so what should be in it next? shrimp?
Shrimp need a stable tank that is cycled by stable I mean it should be running for at least a few weeks after it is cycled.
ah ok, I guess I can wait. im a patient person lol. how many weeks do you think? and what shrimp are beginner shrimp? ive only owned (btw this thread is like 4/5 topics combined lolz) amano shrimp, and it was to feed to my bettas for treats over some time

btw i just got the anubias nana so brb gonna put it in
and its in, ill put a picture here in just a sec. had some algae on it, but that's alright.

Here it is


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