Cough Cough, deep sigh, blame seffie
As you know Seffie and I went on one of our shopping trips today, We've had a really good day, and managed to get to Living Reef Aquatics, STM, Heaver Tropics and Aylesford Aquatics, They were all good shops in their own way, but seffie and I have come to the conclusion that we are just not willing to pay shop prices for corals, they are just asking stupid prices
so seffie came home with some strawberries, meringues and some beetroot, to get to Aylesford aquatics you have to walk through a farm shop, which is terrific and I would highly recommend it, we actually spent more money in there then the fish shop!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a nice lamb roast in a pub, broccoli was a tad hot though, and seffie managed to spit it out quite politely
I managed to get my lights from STM, which, once we got home seffie and I eventually got onto the tank, after the obligatory hour of swearing, we got them working
Now I also bought a fish, I saw it and bang, seffie had to shake me, cos at one point I stopped breathing, I couldn't believe my eyes, there it was, staring at me, about 2" long such a tiny baby, I tried to walk away but if I had Seffie said I would regret it and she convinced me to buy it, I did check the SG of the tanks, 1.023
fine no problem there, so I purchased my baby from Heaver Tropics.
Meet Trevor (don't ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
OMG I just hope he survives