Well story goes a bit like this:
Trod says, wouldn't it be great if you all buy me a new tank for my birthday big enough for the smaller lion fish
we all look at each other and say 'of course Trod, anything you say Trod' but inside we are all going OMG
Trod is quite fussy and when you hear the expression 'her bark is worse than her bite' then change that around to 'her bite is worse then her bark', you may be somewhere close to understanding our trepidation
Anyway off I go to find a tank - hours are spent on the internet looking for what she wants - I finally find a new tank, 400 litres which fits the bill, yes thank goodness, so Mr trod gives me his credit card details (silly man), so several hundred pounds later we are able to breath, it's all sorted phew!
Comes time to organise delivery - company kindly say they will keep it in the shop so it can be delivered the week of Trod's birthday
So a week later I email them with date for delivery ................... oh dear!
Back comes a very apologetic email saying that the label had fallen off and someone in the shop had sold it
now I begin to panic, not to worry they say, take a look in the shop and see if there is another tank suitable and they will throw in some freebies, so I stop panicing and think ah, maybe all will be ok - NO, no, no, silly women
Look in the shop and there is nothing big enough
So I ask for a refund...........................
Oh no, so back to the internet I go, then I notice that Rob, Aquilla (sorry if spelling incorrect, can't check) is selling a lovely big tank, just the sort I wanted
Only problem is I haven't got the blooming money to pay him as the refund took a week to come back to us. Talk with Rob about this and Rob being the gentleman he is said, don't worry, I trust you and sorted out a courier and sent it on it's way.................... before payment
(by the way, I have paid him now
and the rest is history
Seffie x
And.....she made me pose for that photo with the JD bottle, I had no intention of drinking any of it, promise