This fish has had a prescription of some of steroid within a week it’s easily grown an inch and probably a half ounce in weight .. maybe lol either way it’s thriving , I have 4 of these geophagus all was a similar size but this chap ha found his winter weight , I’m not complaining, but why ? I hear geophagus are real slow growers but this fish has gone from 4 inches to 6 in a few weeks , being off work for two weeks being Christmas I have shamefully being doing water changes out of Boredom and probably have changes my tabk volume 4+ times in the last two weeks obviously been feeding more because I’m home more and giving them lots of treats like lobster , is this the reason ? Or is the fish just bigger because he has claimed dominant over the others , just curious as what would cause a growth like this , ohh I had fish scratching also couldn’t see white dot but boosted the temp anyways to around 29-30 .. scratching stopped but would temp come into play ?