The Goldfish Bowl


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 13, 2006
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To any one wanting to sort hand this (I understand :)) I have highlighted in bold the important bits.

Right, so some of you (hopefully ;)) read my thread about the gold fish bowl and them updating the planted section. Well I popped into the shop a few days a go and this is what I found

One side


Other side




Hopefully you'll agree its a vast improvement over the traditional waterfall system. The tanks run on a central filter system but are not directly connected to each other, even though it does look like a waterfall, its not. The vast majority of the plants are Dennerle and the GFB will be stocking pretty such 100% Dennerle plants. I have to say the quality looks to be excellent. They have some interesting mosses too. CO2 injection into the holding tanks and ferts as needed.



I got talking to Barry the owner and he said they would probably redo some of the current planted display tanks to make them fully planted. So I chipped in and offered my hands when they did it. He also mentioned that a Dennerle representative would be giving a talk to the shop staff and I could probably attend as well. So that is where I went last Wednesday. To the shop after work and listen to the guy talk through the Dennerle system.

I wouldn’t go into all the details but below are the key things

- Low filter rates 1 to 2x the tank per hour
- range of ferts according to their system, which seemed very like the ADA system in that its very prescriptive. I.e. one squirt of this on day X then each X days after. One squirt of this on day Y, etc.
- Seems that Dennerle 'system' creates low light tanks. No need to up the lighting, but add reflectors if needs be. FYI they don’t sell HC. It wouldn't do well in the conditions they suggestI wouldn’t think anyway.
- heater cables (I wont go into this ;))
- base layer substrate, topped with gravel
- CO2 to be 15-20ppm.
- the more water changes the better
- it was clear that they are still tied to the ‘Dutch’ way of things re scaping, but the guy was German (obviously!) so I guess that’s understandable.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to ask questions as it was more of a presentation than a Q&A.

However, and this is the really exciting bit, Barry said that if I wanted they would let me pretty much do what I wanted to one of the Rena 120x50 tanks!!!! Perhaps even two tanks!! They would of course supply everything and do water changes, and if necessary and I wanted to, I could then just maintain it planting and pruning wise. The low light nature of the tank will help with that. I will also probably be confined to using the Dennerle system, which isn't what I would do given free reign, but perhaps I can run the second tank EI, which would be an interesting comparison

Now I suspect that most of you are reading this thinking that’s stupid he's wasting his time. But I really hope that if I can get into the other side of things and help educate the shop, then slowly I can show them the other systems and ways of doing things, not that’s I’m saying EI is the only way but it is a simple method and I like that about it. Time will tell. Either way its an exciting proposal for me. And I’m chuffed that Barry is willing to let me do it.

Now I would really hope that I can get some advice from people on here re the scape, its a big tank, much bigger than anything I’ve done before. I was going to keep it fairly simple, a bit like Georges 120cm, not too 'fussy' but a nice scape. I will come up with some ideas and let you all know. I have access to redmoor wood and dragon stone.

Thanks for reading, please help me with the scape once I get it going, I don’t want to pants this one up.

thats the best place i have ever seen that sells plants...

I wish my fish stores were like that D:

Nice one Sam, been following your previous thread and been waiting for this one, looks pretty impressive to me well worth a visit only 30mins drive for me.Good luck with your planting projected you must be well excited

Oh no... Not another redmoor tank. Be a little creative Sam.

Good to know the fish shops are starting to realise the planted side exists. Why not try to do something like George's original low light tank. I know it was a slow growere but you're not going to have a fast grower with low light anyway and a tank full of crypts will always look good.

I hope they don't get put off by the initial 'fast growing weeds' starting aspect of a long term display tank!!!.

Good Luck and uses your imagination a little.

Yeh will try and use my imagination Andy ;) I had thought about copying Georges 120cm, need to think about it, would work well for a low light.

If I get the opportunity to do the second tank I'll try and persuade them to go highlight and EI, then I'll gonna do something a bit like this


Where is the GFB located?

and also out of redmoor wood and dragon stone i think redmoor wood is more versatile however it would be intersting to see something different done with the stones becuase people always use it for iwagumi set ups..

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