No worries Feline! It wont kill him if he flips upside down, he may panic if he is left like that tho, so he will be much more comfortable right side up.
If you really want to help him you could add the dust of 'cuttlefish' like you give to birds to the paste, its pure calcium and is great for regenerating new limbs. Leave a small piece in the aquarium if its just crabs and brackish fish.
One great help to the crabs is old beech tree leaves, from last autumn if you can find some, they must be fully brown and you can boil them to kill fungus. They are a great boost to their immune system.
Unfortunately most crabs that lose both claws die because they cant eat, so its important that your water isnt too soft or acidic, or too warm either, their respiratory system breaks down over 29 degrees Celcius and they wont be able to regenerate missing claws and may die, best temp is between 22 and 24. not sure in Farenheit.
Good Luck!