Well, I finally got some good pictures of most of the fish in my 46 gallon tank. The tank was intended for Gouramis and other species, but my friend (who is a fish breeder) gave me 25 livebearers for free and I couldn't decline her offer. When it's feeding time, the fish all swarm together in a large group! Here's a picture of some of my guppies, platies and marble mollies 'hanging" around at the surface. Enjoy the pictures!
Sorry about the size, but I had to shrink it down!
Here is my new Pearl Gourami! I couldn't resist her in the pet store and I really wanted some Gouramis in the tank! Is this Gourami a female? I'm almost sure she's a girl, but I just want to be certain before I get some more. I asked the a lady that worked there that I wanted a female Pearl Gourami and she picked this one out for me. I'm still fairly new to Gouramis, so I'm still learning how to tell males from females.
that is definitely a female pearl gourami, peaceful and beautiful
i have a picture of my female pearl in my signature, she is still very young, not more 2".
Thanks for the comments! I just had to confirm that the Pearl Gourami was a female before I get another one. She's a little more than 2 inches and is fairly shy. I need to get her a companion so she'll have someone her own size.
The livebearers always swarm in a huge bunch when I stand at the tank. I think they'll waiting for food! The first picture only show half of them though!