The Dream Tank

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I'm the new guy

New Member
Sep 26, 2012
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I want to hear how everyone would stock this dream aquarium.
This is how I would do mine.
Of course live plants everywhere
18 Neon Tetras
12 Serpae Tetras
10 Discus 5 Snakeskin 5 Royal Red
2 Bristle nose plecos
5 Jet Black Angel Fish
50-100 Red Cherry Shrimps
This is just a dream and my stocking idea isn't perfect. Now I want to hear how you would stock it.
I'm going more for the well planted tank with one or two shoals of tetras, so I'm not really into a big array of fish types in one tank.
My dream tank is marine. It's a little bigger than 200 litres as well. I'd like a matched pair of epaulette sharks... in a well rocked aquarium with a couple of nasos.

A nice chilled out tank, in the bedroom, to watch at night.
My dream tank is a large, in wall tank with a huge shoal of cardinals or other dither fish and some clown loaches. Other fish as well, possibly a shark of some sort, and a nice gigantic pleco to complement everything. It really depends on my mood if/when i set up a tank, as there are so many options, and i want to try most, if not all, options! :)
I have my dream stocking now, I'd just want it on a much larger scale! It would include:

Krobia Xingu
Keyhole cichlids
Several pairs of apistogramma species
Maybe some other dwarf cichlid species if space allowed for it
A big group of blue angels
A big group of corydora
A couple of BN plecos
And a nice sized shoal of Emperor tetra or something similar.
My dream tank is a corydoras only tank, a 100 and more of them if they fit :lol: They are a lot more active when they are on their own and go everywhere if there's high decoration in the tank. I'd love to see them school like in the wild. And a biggish school of ottos.
My dream tank would consist of a big tank in every room in my house with large glass pipes running through walls connecting each tank together, each tank would be filled with plants and have their own theme, this system would have all different types of fish.

The fish could travel round where ever they wanted, and I would have small power heads dotted round here and there to keep the flow rotating.

Cleaning would be an issue but it is only a dream after all :lol:
My dream tank would consist of a big tank in every room in my house with large glass pipes running through walls connecting each tank together, each tank would be filled with plants and have their own theme, this system would have all different types of fish.

The fish could travel round where ever they wanted, and I would have small power heads dotted round here and there to keep the flow rotating.

Cleaning would be an issue but it is only a dream after all :lol:
Now this sounds appealing
My dream tank would consist of a big tank in every room in my house with large glass pipes running through walls connecting each tank together, each tank would be filled with plants and have their own theme, this system would have all different types of fish.

The fish could travel round where ever they wanted, and I would have small power heads dotted round here and there to keep the flow rotating.

Cleaning would be an issue but it is only a dream after all :lol:
Now this sounds appealing

I saw a tank somewhere online based on the same idea. It was two tanks connected in one and the fish could travel from one to the other.
This would have to be my dream tank

My dream tank would consist of a big tank in every room in my house with large glass pipes running through walls connecting each tank together, each tank would be filled with plants and have their own theme, this system would have all different types of fish.

The fish could travel round where ever they wanted, and I would have small power heads dotted round here and there to keep the flow rotating.

Cleaning would be an issue but it is only a dream after all :lol:

Can I come see it if you do this? You could probably charge viewing fees... ;)
I would definately hate it if my clown loaches come over to my bedroom tank at night time and started clicking over my head.
My dream tank would consist of a big tank in every room in my house with large glass pipes running through walls connecting each tank together, each tank would be filled with plants and have their own theme, this system would have all different types of fish.

The fish could travel round where ever they wanted, and I would have small power heads dotted round here and there to keep the flow rotating.

Cleaning would be an issue but it is only a dream after all :lol:

Can I come see it if you do this? You could probably charge viewing fees... ;)

The fees would help to the water and electric bill as I dread to think how much they would be
Lots of tanks with every kind of killifish in each :)
so one tank would hold one species rather xD
im planning on actually doing this

my first step is taking my guppies to the LFS
then wait untill my tetras die of old age, or just keep to the ahpyosimion australes for now
I would definately hate it if my clown loaches come over to my bedroom tank at night time and started clicking over my head.

You could just fit a reducer in the connecting pipes to stop bigger fish entering your room, do Clown Loaches click?

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