The Dreaded Lymph

Better is Betta

Feb 9, 2011
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Its  been another month pass and my little Mini is still soldiering on despite the horrible growth encasing her body.  I think she is starting to feel the effects of this awful growth and has become a lot less active although she still loves her food. Its like she is swimming around with a tyer tube wrapped around her and she is starting to feel the strain.  Now to my horror my beautiful male Rusty is showing signs of lymph also.  He has developed a growth near his gill and this is a worry.  If it grows as big as Mini's then this will be fatal because it will engulf the gills and stop him from breathing.  

As you can see the growth is starting to cover her anal section and she is losing some of her color. 

The growth is slowly heading over to her other side
This pic is not the best but it gives you an idea of how big it has become

Again not a good shot but Rusty has a growth starting just near the gill


So this gives you some hope that although lymp can occur on fish its not fatal.  Having said that the contradiction is it will cause stress eventually and it can encase the vital areas that fish use to stay alive and in the end the outcome is fatal.  
Mini is a little fighter 
 and I only hope that this growth will eventually go away. 
Sorry to hear and see that Mini's growth has progressed so far and that it looks like Rusty is headed down the same path. Really wish there was something we could do for them..
Surgery would probably be a good idea but in my town there is no vet I know of that handle fish.  I could just see the shock on their faces if I came into the vets with my fish, plus it looks to big to remove.  All I can do is keep her comfortable and well fed...she loves her food.
I can't say that I would recommend trying to remove it yourself. Without knowing what you're doing you could cause some serious damage to her. Unfortunately lympho is pretty horrible and there's nothing really that can be done for it- sounds like you're doing the best for her, keeping her comfortable and happy :)
With it moving to her anal area I would just keep an eye on it, it may start to develop internally and I think at that point it would be kindest to put her to sleep.
Thanks for the input everyone.  I will just try to keep her comfortable and if I have to put her down what do you suggest.  
Good luck.  I recently had a betta die from dropsy with a huge bloat, so I know how you feel.  Keep going, hopefully she'll get through it.

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