The deep end!


New Member
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
coventry, england
Hello all! I started a new marine reef system in January. In at the deep end cos Ive never kept fish before. Here goes...!
What kindof reef? How big is your tank? What kindof fish do you have?

How old are you? Where do you live? Do you go to Local Pet Stores?
Hi and welcome.

We look forward to sharing ideas and experiences with you in the marines section.
Hello both!

Its a 140 imp gal system including the two sumps underneath. The main display tank is 60 x 24 x 20 inches. It has about 60kg live rock now, and Im well chuffed with how the reef looks.

So far its inhabitants include :-

turbo and super turbo snails - about 40
15 red legged hermit crabs
3 cleaner shrimps
4 dancing shrimps

leather coral - which is growing very nicely!
deep mauve mushroom coral
deep green mushroom coral
an anchor coral
orange sun coral
yellow sun coral
a red tree sponge
daisy polyp
star polyp

I have only started lightly stocking with fish

Two common clownfish
I was sold a scooter blennie by name but I have a picture in one of my books which is identical and says it is a peacock dragonet so now im not sure!!

and finally I have a very active green brittle star
reefboy said:
Hello all! I started a new marine reef system in January. In at the deep end cos Ive never kept fish before. Here goes...!
Hello reefboy and welcome! You sure started off in fishkeeping with a bang! Most people start with goldfish or bettas or mollies, but you jumped way in! LOL
Good luck and have fun! :D
Jeeze.......You dove head first without checking how deep it was! But I think by joining this forum you've dove in a deep enough area!
Welcome, again!


2 thinga I am concerned about

One is the sun corals, have they dispalyed & eaten yet (What are you feeding them)
The Dragnet will do terribly in your tank (IMO) unless you have managed to get him eating Flake/Frozon food (Hopefully you have)

I would go very slowly on the fish stocking as there is very little bio load at the mo and you dont want to overload the system

Aslo (So much for 2 things eh)you will need a bigger clean up crew that that
I would treble the amount of hermits and maybe get the same amount of Turbo Snails in the tank as well.

any questions give me a shout

Hey what skimmer you running
The dragonet seems really the mo! have had him for over 2 months. he mainly picks at the coral sand and the rocks but he also has a go at the flake that goes in for the clowns. I also feed them frozen "marine cuisine" that has shrimp in or a herbacious one to give them some greens!

The sun corals have both come out, though the orange one much more than the yellow one. For the corals I put in Phytoplankton or marine snow. The orange sun coral seems to bloom too as soon as the shrimp food goes in

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