The coolest Thing you Own

Sky042 said:
drobbins27 said:
thecichlidaddict said:
Guns are all about power, no matter how you look at it.
CA, u never cease to amaze me. You read mymind on that one.

Oh andI have stood face to face with a bear lol. Scaredhim off with pots and pans :flex:

So are you telling me that because you wondered into the grizzlies territory, and hes acting on instinct, guarding his home, that its justifiedwhen you shoot them with a gun?

So if you were in your house, with some children and someone wondered in and didnt leave, so you tried to attack him, and then he shot you....his shooting you would be justified?

Someone better give me props for that beauty :thumbs:
would I prefer to shoot the bear thats trying to eat me or my horse? Is that seriously what you're asking me?

Lemme weigh the options. I can let the bear EAT me. Or I can shoot at him hope he runs away. If he doesn't I shoot him.

Gee lemme think on that for a second. Hell yeah I'd use the gun on his furry ass! me and my opposable thumbs are rather concerned with self preservation.

As far as your theoretical situation with the children thats not the same. Do the children pose a threat upon my life?

I'm not a poacher or sport hunter if its a situation I can escape violence isn't the answer but when face with something threatening my life that I can't escape then I'd like to have that weapon with me. You scared off a bear with a pot good for you......what would you have done if the pots pissed off the bear and he came chasing for you deciding he's hungry. I bet you'd be pissing yourself saying "dammit I wish I had a gun right now"
You totally misunderstood what i meant....
bunjiweb said:
Sky042 said:
You also need to remember that most of the weapons pictured thus far in this thread aren't automatic assault weapons they're TOY'S an airsoft is a TOY.
sorry but this means nothing, an Airsoft one, especially those with the PSi that is available can still kill someone if aimed correctly.

ffs even a gun loaded with blanks can kill you.

*must keep out of thread before i go off on one.....*

I'll have to take your word on that. I've never played with an airsoft. I considered them toys. Well more specifically toys for adults....Not for kids.
I hope you got a big ass handgun. 3 people I know got charged by a blackbear and they shot it once with a .22 and 5 times with a .308 before it died. Anyways about gun control if you want to kill someone who needs a gun. Also if someone is purchasing a gun with the intent to commit a crime like he cares that purchasing the gun itself is illegal? And as for canada no wonder they have less deaths theres less people and its too damn cold to go outside and shoot someone :p
StanTheBetta said:
I hope you got a big ass handgun. 3 people I know got charged by a blackbear and they shot it once with a .22 and 5 times with a .308 before it died. Anyways about gun control if you want to kill someone who needs a gun. Also if someone is purchasing a gun with the intent to commit a crime like he cares that purchasing the gun itself is illegal? And as for canada no wonder they have less deaths theres less people and its too damn cold to go outside and shoot someone :p
trailboss usually carries a .45 revolver. and depending on who else is there there may or may not be a few other weapons. It's kinda one of those things in the back of peoples minds. it's not a primary concern.
StanTheBetta said:
I hope you got a big ass handgun. 3 people I know got charged by a blackbear and they shot it once with a .22 and 5 times with a .308 before it died. Anyways about gun control if you want to kill someone who needs a gun. Also if someone is purchasing a gun with the intent to commit a crime like he cares that purchasing the gun itself is illegal? And as for canada no wonder they have less deaths theres less people and its too damn cold to go outside and shoot someone :p
its all about placement, a good non fmj 308 bullet will take a bear down one shot if placed in the right area, problem is people just shoot for hte biggest part of htem, the belly, aim higher for the heart and lungs....
When quading in the back country I ALWAYS have the 308 with me, would carry my para but cant in Canada.

Your right, the stats are squewed by the fact that several USA CITIES have more population then all of canada.....

Handguns are great for sport, find a local range that has IPSC (or hte US version) and go watch, I cant afford to participate as much as I would like, but get out as much as I can. I prefer the 308, but dont sport hunt, I take gophers all the time, but thats it.

People that know nothing about guns are always the ones against them........

Air soft would be hard pressed to kill someone, even if it hit bare skin at under 10 yards its just like a sketer bite.
The things I love the most are ....

The USCG and National Ensigns I have from my last unit in NYC. They were flying on the first boat that was on scene on Sept 11. I put new ones on the boat and had the old ones framed.

The Lugar my grandfather got in WWII ... and no CichlidAddict ... it's not about power, it's about history.

All my photos ... I have so many pics if something happened to them, I would be devistated.

Now, to add my bit to the gun issue, I don't think that those airsoft guns should have ever been introduced. It puts people like me in such a terrible spot. One of my primary jobs is law enforcement. Those "toy guns" look so real that it is way to hard to tell they are fake. My training and instinct is ... if I see a gun, pull mine and start ordering the other person to drop theirs. If that same toy gun is pointed at me ... I am going to shoot. And DO NOT TELL ME IT WON'T HAPPEN ... it has happened (not to me) Cops have shot teens that had BB guns and thought it would be funny to point it at the Cops.

As far as automatic weapons in the public .... WHY?????? It shouldn't be allowed at all ... there is no need for it.

Now on gun control ... I think we should have some serious BULLET control.
drobbins27 said:
jeffrey said:
Your right, the stats are squewed by the fact that several USA CITIES have more population then all of canada.....
Are you serious? Wow, thats the first time Ive ever heardof a city with 40+ million people....
Canada only has a population of 31 million.

I ment to say STATES, not cities though.
one of my other cool thing, it's 7amp power supply for 12v things!! for use on my RC car and was a great find :D


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Been away a while but just to clarify there is never any possible way in which an Airsoft gun could mame or kill anyone. the max FPS rate is 350 and this cannot break the skin. P*intball is far more dangerous. the only dange in Airsoft is getting shot in the eye, negligable as Skirmish sites ar extremely strict about face protection, and falling over. The vast majority of Airsofters are adults as they are the onlt ones with enough money to afford all the bits and Bobs! Airsoft guns do not run off Compressed air, some Pistols and Rifles run off Refigerant gasses but the majority of automatic weapons run off electrics, gears and motors and pistons!
My M24 Socom does 463 FPS avg. :crazy:. But my site allows me to use it if I fire it it only at certain distance for obious reasons :)

Edit: I typed M25 :lol:, when it's M24 Socom :blink:
airsoft skirmishes is basically war simulation and everything liek the real stuff but using bb's :lol:. It's a lot of fun, I play the sniper's role. B)

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