if someone uses numbers instead (but only a little e.g. how are you 2day, not ho r u 2dai) then I dont see it as much of a problem, basically as long as it is readable why attack someone about it?
Your choice but this is an International forum used by people from all ages groups and backgrounds around the world. It would seem logical and at least polite that if you are requesting help with a problem that you're experiencing, then the least you can do is to write it in a clear and concise way. Which doesn't include writing in text speak.
text speak was originally used for phone texts as a way to get round the short character limits of each message. However, predictive text now appears to be included on all phones and set as the default option ime...so anyone still using text speak nowadays actually has to go out of their way to write like a d*ck.
As for people who choose to write in text speak on a pc, when they have all 26 letters of the alphabet right there in front of them on the keyboard...well, sorry, but words just fail me at this point and even if I did have any words available they would probably be deleted by a moderator.
And why o' why do these 'lets be nice to each other' threads keep appearing. Whoever writes this stuff cracks me up, I just have visions of them sat at home in front of their pc's thinking to themselves...
"hmmmm I've just read a thread where two people weren't being very nice to each other...that's not internet cool dudes!...I know, I'll write a thread telling people to be nice to each and I'm sure that if I do then everyone will, it just has to work!
Everyone will read my post and think 'yeah man this dude speaks the truth, he's the internet messiah, the fish forum ghandi-dude. I'm going to repent and offer myself to the man of wise words'...
And just to make sure no evil members divert my thread I'll write 'no flaming' in the title, genius hahahahaha!...oh how is it god that a mere mortal such as i can think up such a devious and yet cunning plan to foil my evil flaming adversaries? Regardless of that fact that 'No flaming' is one of the forum rules and yet no-one takes any notice,...but if I, in my eternal quest to stamp of bad vibes in all the worlds fish forums write it then surely my fish fourm flock will follow and adhere to my wise words of wisdom...."
Get over yoursevles!
Who honestly thinks setting up a thread asking people to be nice to each other is actually going to work? What a crock of ****.
It would appear some people think that because we're online or because we all have a common interest that we can put aside any other differences, ignore the thousands of years of human behaviour and animal instinct. In short, treat all the thousand of members of this forum that we've never met like they're our own family.
I think you're deluded and your time would be much better spent talking fish, not writing endless hippy tripe which will never happen.