I would like to go over several things I have noticed on this forum as being a problem..
1. People who post links to ebay/youtube or tell about how they encountered an overstocked, dirty, or overall " bad " tank..
a) We don't know much about the background of the keeper, their fish, or any other circumstances, we judge people far too quick.
B) For me it seems more like an "ego trip" more than anything. Something that says " ha look at us we know how to keep fish they are just stupid and don't know anything aren't we great ! ". That really isn't the attitude we should be having.
c) They serve no general purpose. People read it and are just sad and upset at the fish, instead of doing anything they just act upset and put out.
2. When a topic is brought up " I need advice ". 2 types of advice are given, the OP has to chose 1 of the 2 bits of advice, most likely whichever seems the most logical to them. If this isn't the advice that the majority supports then issues insue such as:
a) "The OP only accepted what they wanted to hear.... " Which is very untrue, they chose what seemed like the best choice for their cirumstance.
B) The advice giver is flamed and told they are wrong and if they do that they are not taking care of their fish properly.
c) The OP is flamed and taunted about how awful their choice was, until they either change and are accepted, or end up leaving to escape the posting from certain individuals.
3. When someone "overstocks" a tank and are told " remove this, this, and this or you will have huge problems later on.
a) While the general rules are indeed great rules for a beginer fish keeper, people want to take them and apply them in near every single case and claim overstocking.
B) Stocking is objective, having a set number of fish and going above that "normal limit" is very frowned upon, many people flame these users claiming they don't care for their fish, just because there are some extra tank mates here and there, which could very well in there case be causing no problems.
4. When someone doesn't use normal combos of keeping fish. IE a large majority of tanks are what I call " cookie cutter ". They all have about the same thing, follow the basic fish rules and have nearly the same stocking. IE stocking for a 10g as 6 tetras of some form and 4 corys. If someone stocks in a way that is a bit odd they are told it will not work and are flamed for it.
Problems with this:
a) Each and every fish is unique, I was told corys must be kept in groups of 4 or larger, I had 2 corys do very well together for a long time, and they spent a large ammount of time away from each other.
B) Because fish are unique they will act differently towards one another. Just because one person had problems keeping 2 fish together doesn't mean everyone will have that same problem. I kept convicts with female bettas for a good while and up until recently (lack of food with being busy, my fault) they weren't harassed much by the convicts at all, despitre people saying this would never work.
I really dislike the overall view that is expressed in this forum of " if you don't do it our way, your wrong and a bad fish keeper. " It really discourages new members from joining or remaining active. Its almost like this forum is a highschool clique and in order to be in it you have to meet certain requirements.
I think if these issues where addressed then this forum would be even bigger and have even more new membres seeking advice and information.
1. People who post links to ebay/youtube or tell about how they encountered an overstocked, dirty, or overall " bad " tank..
a) We don't know much about the background of the keeper, their fish, or any other circumstances, we judge people far too quick.
B) For me it seems more like an "ego trip" more than anything. Something that says " ha look at us we know how to keep fish they are just stupid and don't know anything aren't we great ! ". That really isn't the attitude we should be having.
c) They serve no general purpose. People read it and are just sad and upset at the fish, instead of doing anything they just act upset and put out.
2. When a topic is brought up " I need advice ". 2 types of advice are given, the OP has to chose 1 of the 2 bits of advice, most likely whichever seems the most logical to them. If this isn't the advice that the majority supports then issues insue such as:
a) "The OP only accepted what they wanted to hear.... " Which is very untrue, they chose what seemed like the best choice for their cirumstance.
B) The advice giver is flamed and told they are wrong and if they do that they are not taking care of their fish properly.
c) The OP is flamed and taunted about how awful their choice was, until they either change and are accepted, or end up leaving to escape the posting from certain individuals.
3. When someone "overstocks" a tank and are told " remove this, this, and this or you will have huge problems later on.
a) While the general rules are indeed great rules for a beginer fish keeper, people want to take them and apply them in near every single case and claim overstocking.
B) Stocking is objective, having a set number of fish and going above that "normal limit" is very frowned upon, many people flame these users claiming they don't care for their fish, just because there are some extra tank mates here and there, which could very well in there case be causing no problems.
4. When someone doesn't use normal combos of keeping fish. IE a large majority of tanks are what I call " cookie cutter ". They all have about the same thing, follow the basic fish rules and have nearly the same stocking. IE stocking for a 10g as 6 tetras of some form and 4 corys. If someone stocks in a way that is a bit odd they are told it will not work and are flamed for it.
Problems with this:
a) Each and every fish is unique, I was told corys must be kept in groups of 4 or larger, I had 2 corys do very well together for a long time, and they spent a large ammount of time away from each other.
B) Because fish are unique they will act differently towards one another. Just because one person had problems keeping 2 fish together doesn't mean everyone will have that same problem. I kept convicts with female bettas for a good while and up until recently (lack of food with being busy, my fault) they weren't harassed much by the convicts at all, despitre people saying this would never work.
I really dislike the overall view that is expressed in this forum of " if you don't do it our way, your wrong and a bad fish keeper. " It really discourages new members from joining or remaining active. Its almost like this forum is a highschool clique and in order to be in it you have to meet certain requirements.
I think if these issues where addressed then this forum would be even bigger and have even more new membres seeking advice and information.