The Community Tank Synirr Boy And Some Mates

VERY nice!~ I love that java fern. Hopefully mine will look that nice one day!

So applaud Waldo! I hope I can get a rightgeous pic of him

Nelly, I added a note to you about the apisto water parameters a few posts back.

There are two pepper Cories that have been trying to play with him, but my camera is charging.
ezrock, Thanks :*) There are small Java ferns on the driftwood and some moss in spots, but the big plant as a mother Amazon Sword that I picked up for $10 because some one had ordered it and then changed their mind. It was not prospering where the lfs had had to put it so they offered it to me. So I have Amazon Sword babies in every tank. They seem to grow easily.

I also got a wide variety of swords and other plants with a fish shipment awhile back. They are kinda merged in the pic and may look like part of the fern.
Hey Sue,

Isn't the center plant in this pic a java fern? (not counting the little swords that seem to be beside and above it):


Do you do anything special for your swords? They also seem to be thriving! I have two little ones that I bought at my aquaria club meeting several months ago. They were dying off until I was told to cut most of the little brown nub (corm i think) at the base of the plant when replanting. I tried that and they stopped dying, but they're really stunted now. It's been maybe a month or so since I tried this. There're lots of new stems/leaves, but they're only 4 inches tall or smaller!

Any tips would be awesome! Cheers,

Ian, thanks for the good tip from you. :D

No the large center plant is an Amazon Sword. The small swords beside and above are babies still attached to the mother.

I'm on my way to Sacramento to pick up splashluff's girls. I'll get back to you tonight or tomorrow. Maybe I can get some better pics up then.
Oh. I dont know why, but it looks like a java fern to me. I figured the attached ones were little plantlets like the ferns get on the tips of their leaves. oh well! in that case, I'll restate:

I love your Amazon Sword in the middle of the picture :)

Here are some more picks for neighbors that a well mannered plakat boy can live and thrive with--and just to prove that Betta keeping is the subject, here's the well mannered Synirr plakat boy, Waldo, himself. (Sorry I still don't have an excellent picture of him,)


Sparkling gouramis add some mystery to the tank. There is a very small one swimming around that I don't remember. I wonder if they found a way to propagate? The ADF did. I have a new little froggy swimming around, and he is nearly grown :eek:


The above is the Mama Amazon Sword's babies. They reach the top of the 2' tall tank.

These are my very lovely widowed honey gourami girls

ezrock: I have Java fern growing on 4 pieces of drift wood. All of them have started from a dropped or broken leaf. The first one (the only one of any size--about 3" square-- and in a different tank) started from a leaf my lfs threw in the bag of plants I was buying. All my planted tanks have some mix of substrate for plants, not just sand or rock. This big tank has EcoCompletePlantSubstrate. I also add some liquid fertilizer occasionally. I don't do CO2 or anything major to get a prizewinner. I just want live green plants. :D

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