The cat problem


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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My kitten seems interested in my fish has a lid but it has a corner cut off so i can feed the fish without taking the lid off. My kitten jumps up there and puts it's paw down into the tank through the hole. The fish swim up to her. I think they think that I'm feeding them. I'm afraid that one day she will catch one. How can I stop this?
I have always found a spray of water on the back of the head works very well as a discoragement tool.
You know the hand sprayer that you can get from garden centers to fill with chemicals and stuff, for srpaying roses etc. get one of them (a new one, you don't want to spray chemicals on the cat) fill it with water and keep it to hand. when the cat gets too close to the tank spray the back of its head. The cat will soon learn to associate the tank with getting wet.
The reson for spraying the back of the head is; it's harder for then to wash that part so takes longer and encorages them not to get wet again :D

Failing the spray method a soaked face cloth or handkercheif (do not wring out)aimed correctly dose the same job but it's more messy. :)
awwwwww that evil, you could alway hold the cat above the tank and let it wriggle a bit, then it will stay away from the water.

Mine still walks on the edges of the condensation lid though!!
:kana: sorry couldnt resist ,i breed birds as well as keeping fish and im not a cat lover ,i dont mind em as long as they stay away ,i use ultrasonic deterents in the garden for cats and other 4 legged nastys at £200 for the fish and £300 worth of birds i aint feeding pussy :rofl:
You could start giveing you cat bathes in a fish tank. It would keep its distance after that! :rofl: :fun: :rofl: :fun:
i knew someone who used to keep a squirtgun full on lemon juice and srpay it in her dogs mouth when the dog was bad.i just do that with water for my cat. (if you do use lemon juice, you have to make sure you dont get it in the cats eyes)
shmeepie said:
My kitten seems interested in my fish has a lid but it has a corner cut off so i can feed the fish without taking the lid off. My kitten jumps up there and puts it's paw down into the tank through the hole. The fish swim up to her. I think they think that I'm feeding them. I'm afraid that one day she will catch one. How can I stop this?
If you have pirhanas in there, then you should worry more about your kitten.
pirhanas???wouldn't they be like illegal? and what would you feed em? my brothers wanna get some whiting so they can catch their dinner at home! :lol: :rofl:
pirhanas???wouldn't they be like illegal? and what would you feed em?
no there not illegal

feed em the cat :rofl:

on a serious note my pal keeps the red bellied variety and feeds em scraps of raw meat in small amounts ,only feed as much as they will eat in one session otherwise the tank ends up stinking

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